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Cold Email Generator: Reach More People with AI

If there is something complicated in the market, it is selling a product or service without knowing the audience. For this reason, there are multiple strategies that provide the appropriate channels to reach that unknown audience, such as cold emails and cold email generators. , which, as its name indicates, is capable of generating cold email using artificial intelligence so that the emails contain well-written and generalized content so that everyone feels identified.

Sales emails or cold emails are emails that seek to capture the attention of those users whose tastes and personality are unknown to promote a service or product and the cold email generator aims to write those emails that are usually complicated to Write in a few seconds. This time we will explain how to use Copyter’s AI to write cold emails correctly.

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Cold email generator

Why is it important to write a good cold email?

Whatever the type of email you want to send, it is always very important to do it correctly, since you must always remember that the quality of the content sent is the face or image of you or your company. Writing a poorly written sales email or cold email increases the possibility that the email ends up in the recipient’s trash, in addition to transmitting an incorrect image of you or your company, which is why you must take into account that Cold emails are for people we don’t know and we must find a way to capture their attention in a very creative and generalized way.

Currently, AI is a very important element, since with its use you can run a cold email generator that meets your objectives and attracts new users.

What should a cold email contain?

A cold email is comprised of an interesting subject line that encourages the receiving user to access its content, as well as content (body of the email) with a balanced tone of voice, that is, the text cannot be very serious as if it were a robot, but it cannot be as if it were a joke, since as is well known, cold email is directed at people we do not know, therefore it must be handled in a more neutral and balanced way in all the aspects.

On the other hand, it must implicitly explain the product or service that is to be promoted, in addition to having a call for attention, which must arouse the curiosity of the reader user so that they access the promotion, either to visit a content as such or the sale of any product or service.

What is the best cold email generator?

You will surely be noticing that it is difficult to write a good cold email, that is why on this occasion we will talk to you about the cold email generator as a totally AI tool that you can find on the following platforms, which are some of the best currently .


Copyter is one of the AI ​​platforms that provides a variety of AI tools where the cold email generator also stands out, and you can obtain excellent sales email texts that will in a way help attract new customers without leaving aside the originality.


Close is an AI tool dedicated to writing cold emails without falling into a spam tray. With its AI, you can generate as many cold emails as you want and need by simply providing a little email information.

3. Simplified

This is another platform where you will have a cold email generator available, with the use of Simplified’s AI you will be able to generate this type of email in a matter of a few seconds and without running the risk of entering into email limitations or penalties.


This is another tool based on artificial intelligence that has a sales email or cold email generator available to speed up this type of activity and also significantly expands the acquisition of new customers.


This is another cold email generator that will help you improve the reach of your promotions, products and services in a quick and easy way with the use of artificial intelligence. This is an option that can be useful when writing effective emails.

Reasons to use Copyter’s cold email generator

Many think that using any cold email generator is already finding the solution, because the truth is that in some parts it is like that, but we must keep in mind that not all cold email generators really fulfill their function, for this reason today We will let you know some reasons for using Copyter’s sales email generator.

The first thing to highlight about Copyter and its cold email generator is that it always seeks to attract new users regardless of their tastes or personality, since Copyter’s cold emails are generalized so that anyone can feel identified and take action.

Another reason is the level of originality that Copyter’s AI uses in the cold email generator. Regardless of the number of results you search, the AI ​​will always generate a fairly complete, authentic email with a very personalized attention call.

On the other hand, you will be able to notice the quality of the generated texts, which contain all the elements that a reader normally looks for when they are really interested in information, not to mention the speed with which it can generate a large number of cold emails with great precision.

Cold Email Example Generated by AI Copyter

This time we show you an example made with Copyter’s cold email generator and in a certain way you can see the advantages and how Copyter does it.

Name of your Company/Product:Good books.

Context to include in the email:sales, offers, discounts, promotion.

Describe your Product or Company:We are a company that brings the greatest and best stories in books to everyone, with high quality books at very low prices.

Cold mail generated by Copyter:


We are Good Books, a company dedicated to bringing the best stories to everyone. We want to offer you high quality books at very low prices. Don’t miss our sales, offers and special discounts. Take advantage of this promotion and enjoy reading!

Kind regards,

The Good Books team

Steps to generate cold email with AI Copyter

Writing a cold email may perhaps be somewhat cumbersome, however, there are tools that help you do it, such as Copyter’s cold email generator, which we will teach you how to use step by step.

Step 1: Sign up for Copyter

The first thing you must do to use the Copyter sales email generator is register on the platform, providing an email, a username and a password in the registration form that you can access from the “Register” menu as indicated in the next image.

Register Copyter

Step 2: Choose Copyter’s cold email generator

After registration you will be able to have access to all Copyter’s AI tools and of course you will be able to select the cold email generator from the templates menu as noted below.

Copyter menu

After entering the templates you must locate the cold email generator as indicated in the following image to use the tool.

Choice Cold Email Generator

Step 3: Fill out the form to generate cold mail with Copyter

After entering the functions of the sales email generator, you must indicate the parameters and indications that Copyter’s AI must consider, such as the name of the product or company, description of the company or product and the contexts in the indicated form. in the image.

Cold Mail Generator Form

Step 4: Verify the generated results

In this step, as its name indicates, it is to verify the result generated by the AI. You can do this from the editing field as shown in the image and thus make relevant corrections or add new ideas.

Edit generated cold mail

Step 5: Save the results

Finally, all that remains is to save the results in the different formats that Copyter has available as shown in the following image.

Save generated cold mail

Frequently Asked Questions about Copyter Cold Email Builder

Due to the same trend that AI tools have created, certain doubts have been generated, because on this occasion we will give you answers to those questions that new users frequently ask in this type of tool, such as the cold email generator.

How can Copyter’s cold email generator help you in your advertising campaign?

The most direct way to help you is by writing very attractive cold emails that really convey confidence and security in the advertising that is done in a matter of a few seconds.

Aspects that Copyter’s sales email generator considers?

Copyter’s cold email generator considers many points that help attract new users. Aspects such as originality, precision, tonality and many other aspects that help the email not to be sent to the trash, in addition to having a high level of attention-grabbing.

Are cold email generators legal?

This is a question that has been transmitted from person to person without obtaining a precise answer, the truth is that Copyter’s sales email generator always seeks to comply with all possible parameters to be legal and also not fall into a spam tray. . So in a nutshell Copyter’s cold email generator is totally legal.

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