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AI Text Summarizer: How to summarize a text?

Summarizing a text may seem like a fairly simple function, however, it is not as easy as many think, the point is not to remove words and make the text shorter, but rather to say in fewer words what is really interesting about the original text.

Currently, there are several platforms with the AI ​​text summarizer function, but they really do the task as such, because on this occasion we will not only talk to you about 5 platforms with this function, but we will also talk to you about some aspects that you should know about the text summarizer. AI texts and step-by-step instructions on how to use Copyter’s AI text summarizer.

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AI Copyter Text Summarizer

What does a text summary do with Artificial Intelligence?

As its name already indicates, an IA text summarizer has the main function of summarizing text to a number of specific words. The IA text summarizer focuses on identifying the points or references of the main ideas of the original content, and then starting from of those to restate the text in a shorter way without leaving aside the essence or main idea of ​​the text.

In general, that is the main function of the tool, being able to summarize texts of any type, from introductions, synopses and much more.

Which is the best for summarizing texts?

As we have already mentioned, there are currently several platforms with AI text summarizers, however, knowing which is the best is not so easy. However, here we will list 5 platforms that may be the best depending on what you need to summarize some content. .


Copyter is one of the best platforms in terms of the use of artificial intelligence, in Copyter you can do many things to generate and improve content, within its tools you can find the AI ​​text summarizer, which will allow you to obtain highly optimized and original summaries.


This is another platform with the function to summarize text quickly and effectively, it has a fairly good search algorithm that allows you to understand and summarize any type of text without losing its essence, as well as presenting it in a very different way.


Although its main function is not focused on the tool for summarizing texts, it does it in a good way, for this reason today we can also consider it one of the best. has a fairly clear and precise interface so that anyone can use it.

4. SmallSEOTols

This is another tool based on fairly complete artificial intelligence that can be quite useful when summarizing some text. SmallSEOTools also has a variety of tools that could speed up the work of creating good quality content.


This is another of the platforms where you can quickly make text summaries. Currently, it has several tools, however, the text summarizer is one of the most used.

Advantages of using Copyter’s text summarization tool

As we have already mentioned, the tool for summarizing texts is offered by many platforms, however, not all of them have the most optimized results that can be obtained. This time we list some advantages that you can obtain when using Copyter’s AI text summarizer.

Originality. Although the summarizer uses the same content, it is capable of reducing the number of words quite considerably without losing the original information or the idea that the text wants to convey.

Ease. Unlike other text summarizers, Copyter has the advantage of having a fairly intuitive interface, making the use of this tool much easier, so much so that you do not need any type of experience related to artificial intelligence and its use in the content creation.

Cost effectiveness. The use of this tool is quite economical compared to other platforms, in addition to having excellent quality.

Quality results. Whatever the type of content or topics, Copyter’s AI text summarizer is capable of doing it without compromising the quality of the text.

Example of text summary with AI

As we have already mentioned, text summary consists of simplifying content from a certain number of words to a much smaller one, but transmitting the same idea, for example.

Original text

Artificial intelligence is the basis for seeking to carry out processes as a human would, through applications and algorithms that generate a dynamic computing environment. It should be noted that it is present if three components such as computer systems, data and data management, and advanced AI algorithms are present.

Summary Text

Artificial intelligence is a base that aims to imitate some processes of certain activities, it is only present when there is a computer system, data and an AI algorithm for information management.

Steps to summarize texts with Copyter’s artificial intelligence

It has happened to you that you need a summary, but you don’t have time to do it and you don’t know how to do it with artificial intelligence, because if so, this time we will be teaching you step by step how to summarize texts with Copyter’s artificial intelligence.

Step 1: Sign up for Copyter

As with everything, to access all the functions and tools that Copyter offers you must register previously, to do so you must click on the “Register” option in the upper right corner as indicated in the image.

Register Copyter

Then you must provide information such as username, email and password.

Step 2: Choose Copyter’s Text Summarization Tool

For this you must locate the templates option in the main menu.

Copyter menu

Once the option is selected, you must locate the Copyter AI text summarizer tool as shown in the following image.

Text Summarizer Choice

Step 3: Provide the text you want to summarize

In this step you must provide the text that you want to summarize, as well as the tone of voice that you want the artificial intelligence to use in the form that we indicate in the image.

Copyter summary form

It is very important to keep in mind that the text to be summarized should not exceed 8000 characters, since this is the limit of the application.

Step 4: Verify the generated results

In this step, you will only have to see the generated names and make the modifications that you think are appropriate in the section that we show in the following image.

Edit AI summary

Step 5: Save the generated summary

Finally, after making the necessary modifications, you will only have to save the results and use them when necessary. You can do this from the available saving functions that Copyter offers.

Save Summary Copyter

Frequently Asked Questions about AI text summarization

Until now, there are certain doubts about text summaries with artificial intelligence. In this section we will answer certain questions that new users commonly ask about the subject.

Is it legal to use text summarizers?

Yes, the truth is that there is no type of illegality in using it, as long as the result obtained is not plagiarism.

Does the content of the summaries contain grammatical errors?

Everything will depend on the type of tool that was used, it is no secret to anyone that there are AI tools that are not as efficient and effective, so whether or not they find grammatical errors will clearly depend on the tool used.

Are the summaries made by Copyter original?

Yes, Copyter is characterized by using a fairly advanced AI system which helps in all its tools so that the results are authentic and original, including the tool to summarize AI texts.

How long can I summarize a text with Copyter?

Everything will depend on the number of words in the text to be summarized, however, in general the response is quite fast and may take a few minutes or even seconds.

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