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Academic Essay Generator: Improve Your Essays with AI

Currently, writing an essay of any kind is much easier than before, at this time there is a wide variety of artificial intelligence tools that in one way or another will help you develop a well-argued and structured essay.

On this occasion we will not only talk to you about some factors and elements that you should keep in mind when writing an academic essay, but also about a very useful tool for this purpose such as the academic essay generator, how to use it and much more.

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Characteristics of an Academic essay

Essays can be argued in many ways, as well as organized, however, there are always some basic characteristics that identify each of the types of essays.

The academic essay is characterized by the following elements.

Summary extension

Normally in this type of essay The length of the content is not as broad as is customary in a monograph or other type of essay with more details.

personal approach

Academic essays in general are always focused in a personal and subjective manner, although it should not be forgotten that one must always argue with clearly true information, which is what will give much more value to the content of the essay.

Variety in topic presentation

This type of essay is characterized by being able to be used to develop any type of topic, be it political, religious, social, among others, given that its structure is free, it can give a generalized focus to any topic to be developed.

Aimed at the general public

Another characteristic point of academic essays is that they are aimed at a fairly broad audience, making this an understandable essay for any type of person.

Structure of an Academic Essay

Structuring an essay is a fundamental point in its development. It should be noted that, although an academic essay can have a personality structure according to the criteria that the writer adapts, there is a basic structure which we break down below.


The introduction is the first element that a good essay must contain. It indicates to the reader in a general way the topic that will be discussed in the essay, taking into account that it must be somewhat summarized.

It is important to mention that in this part of the structure, in order to develop it, you must be very clear about everything that you will actually present throughout the essay.


Secondly, what normally after the introduction gives way to the total development of the essay, at this point in the structure not only is all the relevant information that you want to make known expressed, but also its arguments. , which affirm the veracity of the content.

This type of essay focuses more on exposition, that is, using specific evidence that gives space to the argumentation of the information.


The conclusion is the last element that will be taken in the structure of an academic essay, as its name indicates, you must conclude the information previously developed, either through an organized summary or a recapitulation of the essay in general.

It is also ideal to develop information that reiterates all the information mentioned above and concludes a topic, so that the reader becomes interested in investigating more about the topic.

How to write an essay step by step

Nowadays there are many ways to prepare an essay, it is already done using artificial intelligence such as the academic essay generator, however, on this occasion we will explain it to you step by step.

Step 1. Select an interesting topic

This is the first step to start the essay as long as the topic is not specified and it is free will. To choose the appropriate topic, it is recommended to make a list where you will write down the possible topic options that are attractive both for the developer of the essay and thus express clear information, and for the reader so that they can find valuable information.

Step 2. Search for information

This next step is essential to develop the essay correctly, since this information or research that is carried out is where the different types of arguments that support the information within the essay as such will come from.

The research carried out in this step is where the entire general content of the essay will be developed, finding the key points, as well as the relevant elements that you want to make known through the essay.

Step 3. Outline creation

Basically what you have to do is develop a scheme to organize all the information researched regarding the selected topic, thus allowing you to develop a much more organized academic essay with priorities of ideas.

Everything is of vital importance, since, in addition to allowing you to develop an essay in a more organized way, it allows the reader to understand the message you want to convey.

Step 4. Develop the content

In this step, once you have the outline made and the information you want to capture organized, all that remains is to start the entire development of the content.

Step 5. Argue your ideas

As indicated in the title, this step seeks to find all the arguments and justifications that give validity to the idea that you intend to develop within the academic essay.

It should be noted that it is a process or work where you should take your time, since the argument or arguing your ideas is what will give the validity of the information presented in the essay.

Step 6. Write a good conclusion

Already in this step, having the content developed and the arguments that will give validity to the information expressed, we will only have to develop a good conclusion that allows us to close, either by making a recapitulation of the general content or by issuing general opinions on the topic discussed in essay.

Step 7. Review the essay

Lastly, and not least, it will be necessary to carry out the respective detailed revisions of the entire essay so that it contains high quality content, without spelling, dramatic or punctuation errors, as well as errors in readability or clarity of the information.

The best AI essay generator

If you start searching on the Internet for a tool that can help you develop an essay of any type, you will find a lot, however, this time we are going to show you some alternatives to the academic essay generator, which will be very useful to you.


Copyter is one of the artificial intelligence tool platforms that today is positioned as one of the most complete, allowing the development of a variety of content in a matter of a few minutes.

His academic essay generator It stands out for having a fairly broad level of originality, thus allowing the creation of well-structured and high-quality essays. In addition to this, you have plans that are quite accessible for any type of user who wants to use their AI tools.

2. Smodin

Smodin’s AI essay generator is a very useful tool when carrying out this activity, since it not only generates a fully structured essay, but also stands out for taking automatic APA style references.

Smodin can offer you professional quality looks in a matter of just a few minutes and in different shades.

3. Simplified

Simplified is a platform that is characterized by offering a wide variety of tools at a low cost, within it you can find thetrial AI generator,with which you can develop a professional quality essay in a short time.

A relevant aspect of Simplified’s academic essay generator is that it can be developed in different languages ​​without compromising its quality.

4. Paraphrase texts

Parafraseartextos is one of the many platforms and you can already find it on the internet, however, it stands out for having an academic essay generator with an advanced algorithm that allows you to develop high-quality essays.

The simplicity and easy way to use is one of the points that the user enjoys the most because it allows any user to use it without complications and be an expert in the use of AI tools.

5. Plagiarism

This essay generator stands out for the few parameters that you must indicate so that AI can develop an academic essay with professional quality. By simply supplying the topic, the number of pages and the language, Plagiarisma will generate a complete and well-argued essay.

Types of essays

It is very clear that just as there are several ways or structures of how to carry out an essay, there are also several types of them. Below, we list some of the most common and widespread types of essays.

descriptive essay

This type of essay is quite detailed in that it seeks to convey a fairly clear message to the reader about a certain topic, experience or place.

What is sought in this type of essay is that the reader can easily form a detailed image of all the information received.

Argumentative essay

In this type of essay, the writer or author of the essay fully exposes his opinion on a certain topic, arguing said opinion with references, scientific works, among others, so that it has greater validity.

It should be noted that this type of essay takes a little longer to develop due to the extensive research that must be carried out.

critical essay

This type of essay, as its name indicates, has a critical approach on a certain topic, normally in this essay the author focuses on analyzing and evaluating certain guidelines of a specific topic in order to later write his ideas regarding the topic and support your information with evidence.

Copyter AI Essay Generator: Learn how to use it step by step

You want to make high-quality essays of any type, because this time we will teach you step by step how to use Copyter’s academic essay generator and generate essays in a short time.

Step 1: Sign up for Copyter

As a first step to access Jupiter’s tools, stop pre-registering. To do this, you must go to the main page and click on the register option as shown in the following image.

Register Copyter

Step 2: Choose Copyter’s academic essay generator

Subsequently, upon registration you must access the Copyter platform and locate the “Templates” menu in the main menu as shown in the image.

Copyter menu

Once in the Templates window you must locate the valuable essay generator within all the available tools, as can be seen in the following image.

Select test generator

Step 3: Fill out the form to generate professional essays

In this step, the parameters that the IA test generator must take into consideration to generate quality tests must be indicated.

Essay Builder Form

Step 4: Verify generated essay

This step is where you can have access to Copyter’s editing tools to make the different changes necessary so that the essay meets what is required.

Edit generated content

Step 5: Save the results

In this last step you only have to save the generated essay and make use of it. It should be noted that Copyter offers several saving formats, Docx, PDF and Txt.

Save generated content

Frequently Asked Questions: Essays

The topic of essays is very broad, there are many parameters to follow, familiar structures and many steps to consider to write a well-structured essay.

This time we will give some answers to those questions that commonly appear when you want to write an essay.

How many pages should an essay have?

The number of sheets that should be made will depend on the type of test required; normally no more than 5 sheets are recommended.

What should I put in an essay introduction?

As its name indicates in the introduction, you must give the reader a summary of what will be discussed throughout the content of the essay.

How many paragraphs should an essay have?

Like the number of pages, there is also a certain limit for paragraphs; in general it is recommended to use between approximately 3 to 10 paragraphs.

What tone should be used when writing an essay?

Writing an essay is not something that should be taken lightly, so it must have a formal tone, in addition to avoiding inconsistencies and redundancy.

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