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Top 4 AI Image Generators You Should Try in 2024

Currently, you will notice that there are a large number of tools that use artificial intelligence to improve hundreds of processes and decision-making, now, in 2024 we will see that AI has taken a somewhat more specific approach such as AI image generators.

On this occasion knowing the amount of AI image generators that you can find on the internet, we will tell you about the best 4 that are undoubtedly worth knowing, and why not use in 2024.

Image Generators

What are AI image generators?

First of all, I want to let you know the best ai image generators that you should try in 2024, let’s take a look at what image generators using artificial intelligence are.

AI image generators are nothing more than high-potential tools that, with advanced use of algorithms, can create high-quality images following instructions from a text. That is, they can take what is described in a simple text to a very high-quality image of the described subject.

These tools based on artificial intelligence have been advancing a lot in recent years, however, 2024 has been a year of impressive advances where these generators have gained popularity given all the facilities they can offer when generating high-quality images in a matter of seconds.

Top 4 Best AI Image Generators 2024

Tired of searching and searching for an image generator that really meets your requirements, then below we will tell you about the 4 best AI image generators from 2024.


Copyter is one of the best AI-based generators today, as it not only focuses on text creation and AI tools, but also has a fairly advanced image generator that can create a totally original and very high-quality image with just a few instructions.

One of the notable aspects of Copyter is that its plans are quite affordable and it also has a free or trial plan, with which you can get to know its tools, including the AI ​​image generator.

Pros and cons of Copyter

Below we list some of the advantages and disadvantages that you should know about Copyter in order to get the most out of it and the limitations that you may encounter.


✅ Copyter Pros

❌ Copyter Cons

·         AI has a free plan, which allows you to do some testing before paying for the subscription. ·         It is necessary to have access to a good internet connection.
·         Their tools are very easy to use.
·         It has a large number of AI tools which also includes the image generator.



This is one of the main art generators that you will be able to find in 2024, as it has quite rewarding features in terms of quality and variety in the creation of images from a description. Today it is widely used by artists, designers and content creators to get the most out of the potential of AI and creativity.

Pros and cons of Midjourney

There are certainly both positive and negative features of Midjourney, so here we will point out the best advantages and disadvantages that you should always keep in mind when using this image generator.


✅ Pros of Midjourney

❌ Cons of Midjourney

·         Easy to use and understand how the generator works. ·         Only accessible from Discord.
·         The images are of high quality. ·         Occasionally some images may be associated with intellectual property.
·         Allows the generation of free images (Limited quantity). ·         It does not have a free plan. (It only generates 25 free trial images).
·         Greater control over customization to improve the final result.


Jasper Art

Jasper Art is currently considered by many users because it has a large number of elements that are undoubtedly worth having in any other AI art generator. Since its creation, it has gained great popularity thanks to its image quality and the ability to give very accurate results according to the instructions received.

Pros and cons of Jasper Art

If you want to know the strengths and weaknesses that you may encounter when trying to generate images with Jasper Art, below we will show you the most notable advantages and disadvantages of the generator.


✅ Pros of Jasper Art

❌ Cons of Jasper Art

·         It is able to easily understand what the user wants, showing results in unique images. ·         Although it has a free trial, it does not have a free plan.
·         You have a fairly wide range of styles, allowing you to create more specific images in specific styles. ·         Sometimes the images created may suffer from a little distortion.
·         Jasper Art can be integrated with other platforms very easily and quickly, thus improving ease of use. ·         Some customization parameters are missing to improve the accuracy of the final result.



This is another tool based entirely on artificial intelligence that is also considered one of the best in 2024, since it can not only generate excellent quality images at the request and description of users, but it is also completely free.

It is characterized by achieving very detailed and realistic images, in addition to allowing a high level of customization, which expands the variety of images generated, as well as their originality and authenticity.

Pros and cons of Playground

Obviously, if there is one point to consider when evaluating a platform or tool, it is the advantages and disadvantages that you may have when using said tool. For this reason, below we show you what Playground’s strengths and weaknesses are.


✅ Pros of Playground

❌ Cons of Playground

·         Generates high-quality images with multiple effects that provide originality in each image created. ·         It may sometimes take a while to generate certain images.
·         It has a wide variety of styles, allowing the user to have a greater range of results in terms of the generation of art. ·         In the free plan some images are not generated or are attached to a waiting list.
·         Its free version is quite extensive, allowing you to generate up to 100 images totally free per day.


Criteria to consider when choosing the best AI image generator

Choosing an AI tool is not as easy as many people think, since currently, there are many of these platforms to carry out countless jobs, however, on this occasion we will talk about some elements or criteria that you should always keep in mind in order to choose the best one. AI image generator that meets what you really need.

Objective analysis

One of the first things to consider before choosing an AI image generator is the goal you want to achieve. To do this, you must be clear about the use you will give to the images, whether for magazines, presentations, or social networks. Being clear about the goal you want to achieve will make it easier for you to decide whether to use the right art generator.

Image quality

The quality of the images generated is another very important element, since the popularity of the tool depends greatly on this point. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of images from various platforms since not all of them offer high quality standards.

Generator Usability

Another criterion to consider in AI art generators is usability and ease of use, especially if you are new to using these artificial intelligence tools. This is why you should evaluate how easy or complicated it is to use the tool, since this point also includes the time it takes to create each image.

Variety and speed of results

Another aspect to consider and evaluate in AI art generators is the variety of styles it can offer, since from this aspect you will be able to know if it is convenient to use a certain generator or another, as well as the speed with which it can generate a certain amount of images.

Use case of different AI image generators

AI image generators have really made some pretty significant progress, so much so that today they can be used for multiple jobs, which we list below.

  • Digital art creation.This is one of the most common cases, because with tools like the art generator you can get the most out of it and come up with new ideas and authentic art without much effort.
  • Visual content generator.With these tools you can generate images for flyers, presentations and much more.
  • By being able to create totally original and unique product images.

Frequently Asked Questions about AI Image Generators

Certainly, although AI is very advanced, there are doubts regarding the subject of image generators, so below we will answer some of those doubts that frequently appear when you use this type of AI tools.

Is it legal to use AI-generated images?

Many people think that they should not be used, but the truth is that these images are very authentic and can be used completely normally, although sometimes when free tools are used they are generated with a watermark, however, their legality is the same in terms of law.

What image format does the AI ​​image generator generate?

Currently, there are several image formats which are used by AI to give its results. Among the generated formats are the following:

  • PNG.
  • JPG.
  • BMP.

Are there any free AI image generators?

Yes, today there are a wide variety of totally free AI platforms that offer the image generator as one of their tools.