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Create your own chatbot and learn everything you need to know about chatbots

If you evaluate and look at all the global trends in the technological aspect, you will see that chatbots are a very prominent topic where many people who are familiar with this type of technology show a lot of interest.

Seeing the great interest in many users, on this occasion we will not only talk about the chatbot as such, but we will also give answers to some questions and we will also teach you something quite particular such as create your own chatbot step by step. So, if you want to know how to do it and also learn a little more about chatbots, then you have come to the right article.


What is a chatbot and how does it work?

To go deeper into the subject, we will start by letting you know what a chatbot is. The truth is that, in a few words, a chatbot is a program that, using artificial intelligence, is capable of simulating in a fairly detailed way a conversation just as a human would have with another human.

Nowadays, given their great responsiveness, chatbots are being used in many companies with the purpose of providing greater attention to users and therefore improving business growth.

As for their operation, it can be said that chatbots are somewhat complex, since it is a combination of several elements that artificial intelligence uses to achieve an optimized result, these elements such as:

  • Natural language processing
  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Compression of natural language

All of these are then used to provide an accurate answer to what the user wants to know. In short, the user asks the Chatbot a question and it executes the aforementioned elements to finally give an answer.

Advantages that a chatbot offers for your company

Chatbots, as we have already indicated, are widely used today for many purposes, however, there are still users who are reluctant to see an improvement when using artificial intelligence in the chatbot, for this reason we will talk about four very important and notable advantages of chatbots.

  • The first general advantage that you can get with a chatbot is that it can provide precise and timely attention 24 hours a day without complications to any user who requires it.
  • Availability (Geographical aspect).This is another quite notable advantage of chatbots, since users, regardless of where they are making the query from, can get a quick and accurate response.
  • Efficiency and freeing up work for human customer service staff.This is another advantage that you can find in chatbots, since thanks to their potential and efficiency, they free up human staff from dealing with frequently asked questions and doubts, leaving more time for staff to deal with more complex situations.
  • Speed ​​and consistency.Another advantage of chatbots is that they have the ability to respond very quickly and also to ask many questions without losing the consistency and precision to respond.

Create your chatbot step by step

Create your own chatbot It is an activity that many would like to know how to do fairly quickly, however, below, we will teach you step by step how to create a chatbot without wasting a lot of time.

Step 1. Determine the style that the chatbot should have

This step is essential to develop the response style that the chatbot should issue. It is worth noting that knowing what style should be developed for your own chatbot will help improve the experience and use of the bot.

Step 2. Determine which program or platform to use to develop the chatbot

As the step itself says, in this step it is very important to determine the platform that will be used to develop the chatbot, since not all platforms have all the tools and features to create certain bots, which is why it is important to choose the right one according to the requirements of your chatbot to be created.

At this point you can find several platforms for this purpose, for example, the following ones are available.

  • Hubspot
  • Landbot
  • Zendesk

It is worth noting that these are AI platforms aimed at facilitating the creation of chatbots without advanced knowledge, however, there are many more platforms that are more advanced with broader capabilities.

Step 3. Start creating the chatbot

As a teaching tool, we will explain how to create your own chatbots with Landbot, a platform that is quite easy to manage and learn to use.

  1. To start the creation process you must register on the official Landbot page to enter the system and from the menu press the option “Start building.”
  2. The platform will then prompt you to enter a description of the bot you want to build, so you will need to write in detail what type of chatbot you want to create, provide details of the activities to be performed, and the queries and actions it should consider.
  3. Once you have provided the instructions and details of the chatbot you want, Landbot’s AI will get to work and generate a flow of the entire chat, which you can also edit to improve the interaction with the chatbot.
  4. Finally, all that remains is to carry out the various tests and modifications necessary for publication.

It is very interesting to note that, although it is quite simple, this type of AI chatbot creation, as explained above, is nevertheless a good starting point for creating a more advanced chatbot with interesting interaction features.

Chatbot use cases

You may be wondering where I can use chatbots and really take advantage of this technology. If you are one of those users who know the potential of chatbots, but still don’t know where to use them, below we list some use cases of chatbots that you should know about.

  • Customer service and support.This is one of the most common cases of chatbots, given their ability to provide answers to certain questions, they can be used to answer questions from certain users in a faster and more effective way.
  • Information technology services support.This is another very particular case where chatbots can be very useful, as they can be programmed to issue responses, notifications and alarms for common problems within a company.
  • Marketing analysis and strategy.Chatbots can also be used to analyze and promote better marketing strategies based on the information collected, thus obtaining better sales results, visits, among others.

Frequently asked questions about chatbots

In this section we will let you know some of the answers to those questions that many users ask themselves when talking and using chatbots.

Why use a chatbot in your company?

This is one of the many questions that users who intend to use chatbots in companies ask themselves, because chatbots can streamline many processes in terms of customer service, as well as using analysis in marketing strategy.

Which platform can I use to create my own chatbot?

Given the technological advancement in the creation and use of chatbots, today you can more easily find platforms that will help you create your own chatbot Within these platforms you can find:

  • SendPulse
  • Manychat
  • ChatbotsBuilder

Among others, it is worth noting that although it is a bit limited, Telegram itself can also be used to create your own chatbot using AI on Telegram.

Can I customize chatbots?

Yes, this is a fairly basic feature of platforms for creating chatbots, as it is one of the features that users who want to create their own chatbot look for.

How long does it take to create a chatbot?

Actually creating a chatbot from scratch can be quite a long job, because it is necessary to have programming knowledge to code its AI, however, with the appearance of platforms for this purpose, the creation of a chatbot can take just a few days.