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GPT 4o Review: What it is, how it works, features and much more

Artificial intelligence has made quite notable advances; today we can talk about many AI models and tools that seek to improve processes in terms of production, sales, purchasing and management in general.

However, on this occasion we will ask you a question. GPT 4o review, of all the characteristic aspects that you should know about it, as well as the improvements it has had compared to its previous version GPT 4.

Review GPT 4o

What is GPT 4o?

GPT 4o is an artificial intelligence model developed by the artificial intelligence research and deployment company OpenAI, which incorporates new improvements to the previous GPT 4 model. This model is a little broader and serves to process and work based on much more data as well as with greater processing capacity, giving a more accurate and precise response.

Obviously, this new OpenAI model known as GPT 4o has similarities with previous versions, however, it also has more refined and beneficial features in its use.

How does GPT 4o work?

The operation of the GPT 4o model, is quite complete compared to other artificial intelligence models or its predecessor GPT 4, GPT 4o focuses on the use of a single neural network facilitating the detection of elements such as the number of speakers, background noise, among others, in order to then issue a response with greater precision and conciseness than those requested.

It should be noted that, theGPT 4o modelIt processes audio and text to then determine a response that involves or closely resembles a human response expressing emotions and more.

Key differences between GPT 4 and GPT 4o

Below, we will show you a table of some of the most notable differences between the GPT 4 and GPT 4o models so you can notice the slight changes that both models have.




  • The response is faster thanks to using a single neural network
  • Your response may take up to 5 seconds per result because it uses the combination of several neural networks.
  • Its processing is multimodal, managing to understand any text, image, video and audio, making it easier to interact.
  • Its capacity is a little less extensive in terms of understanding images, audio and videos.
  • It is capable of emitting responses in different tones of voice to improve the interaction experience.
  • The tones of voice used are a little more limited, however, you can still achieve excellent communication.


GPT 4th Price

The price to pay to be able to use GPT 4o will depend on the plan you get. It is worth noting that all OpenAI plans in ChatGPT have access to GPT 4o, however, each of them has its own scope and features. Below we detail the plans in which you can use GPT 4o and its benefits.

ChatGPT Free Plan

As its name indicates, this gives you access to ChatGPT’s AI functions for free with some limitations. Among its features you can find the following items.

  • Writing assistant and much more.
  • Access to GPT 3.5.
  • Limited access to GPT 4o.
  • Limited access to certain data analysis features.
  • Limited access to GPT customization.

ChatGPT Plus Plan

This is the second plan offered by OpenAi in the ChatGPT branch, currently priced at $20 per month to access the following features.

  • Priority access to new tool features.
  • Be able to use GPT 3.5, GPT 4 and the new GPT 4o.
  • 5 additional messages to GPT 4th.
  • High quality image generator.
  • Access to GPT customization.
  • Data analysis, file uploads, etc.

ChatGPT Team Plan

This is the ideal plan for those users who work in teams and collaborate and make collective use of the tool. It has a price of $30 per month to access the following features.

  • Console access for managing the work team.
  • Increased access limits to GTP 4o messages, data analysis, browsing, and more.
  • All the features and functions of the ChatGPT Plus plan.

ChatGPT Enterprise Plan

This is the most advanced plan offered by OpenAI, with exclusive features for those companies seeking exponential advancement using artificial intelligence. To find out the price, you must contact the sales advisors from the official OpenAI website. Its features are as follows.

  • Unlimited access to GPT 3.5, GPT 4 and GPT 4o at high speed.
  • Larger context window for better input.
  • Exclusive company data and information.
  • Priority in customer service and support.
  • All the features of the previous plans.

As you may notice, OpenAI has expanded its plans to include the new GPT 4o model and its features.

Features of GPT 4o

Like any other artificial intelligence model, GPT 4o also has particularities that make and mark the difference between other models, that is why below we will make you aware of the most relevant characteristics that you can observe in the GPT 4o AI model.

Better performance

Currently, this is one of the features that stands out the most in the GPT 4o model, since by using a neural network it can process and understand many more aspects of a text, video and audio indicated, thus also being able to respond in real time.

Greater compression of vision

This is another notable feature of the new GPT 4o, as it is able to better understand visual data such as videos, video calls, and more in real time, and can develop a unique response instantly. Obviously, this aspect improves communication and user experience, in addition to its outputs being more similar to those of a human.

High capacity to process voice and audio

This ability of GPT 40 is one of the most notable, as many are impressed by the ease with which it understands and processes voice and audio as if it were a human, in addition to issuing an accurate and precise response to what is specified.

Learn how to access GPT 4o quickly and easily

Next, in this section, we will teach you step by step how to have and use GPT 4o without any complications.

Step 1. Access the official page

The first step to access GPT 4o is to visit the official OpenAI website where you will see the different functions and products it offers.

Step 2. Register

Once you have entered the official website, you must complete the basic registration to have access to the ChatGPT functions. To do this, you must complete a registration form where you must enter your personal data, email address, etc.

Step 3. Access the tool

Once you have completed the registration, you will have access to the free ChatGPT plan where you will have limited access to GPT 4o. It is worth noting that to have better access to GPT 4o you will have to purchase the paid plans such as ChatGPT plus and the following ones.


Given how new this model is, there are still certain doubts among users, which is why we will now answer those questions about the GPT 4o model.

How to access GPT 4o?

This is a question that many have, and the reality is that it is very easy to access, you just have to have access to the ChatGPT Plus and Team plans and of course you will have access to the new GPT 4th model.

What can I use GPT 4o for?

The use of GPT 4o is quite broad, since with this artificial intelligence model you can achieve everything from improving customer service in any e-commerce, to analyzing data to predict and recommend products and services to certain users, you can also create 3D models from an instruction or simple text, translation of official letters or documents and much more.

Is GPT 4o free?

Yes, it is worth noting that the free ChatGPT Plan offers limited access to GPT 4o.