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Top 7 Platforms to Convert Video to Text

Finding a platform for convert video to text A few years ago, we were talking about a lot of fiction. Today, the growth that artificial intelligence has had in many areas is noticeable. However, the growth in content creation is quite advanced, to the point that thanks to these AI tools, content can be created with just a few clicks at very high quality.

Video creation has evidently been influenced by artificial intelligence changing the production process, however, it is always important to have the text of the video done, that is why today we will talk about the 7 best platforms for convert video to text in a matter of seconds using AI.

Video to text converter

What is an AI video to text converter?

A video to text converter AI, as its name suggests, is a tool based on artificial intelligence capable of transcribing the entire content of a video very accurately and then presenting it in text format.

How does the video to text converter work?

The operation of the video to text converter is basically focused on understanding and transcribing audiovisual content. By using artificial intelligence, it can describe an entire video very accurately, resulting in a well-organized text that describes all the content of the analyzed video.

Many of the video to text converters work in the following way: first, when the user enters the converter, he must upload the video that he wants to convert to text, press process and the converter analyzes the video with AI to then leave as a result a complete text with all the content of the video.

At the moment,convert video to textAI is not a difficult activity to carry out, since there are many of these AI tools that perfectly transcribe any video.

What should you consider when choosing a good platform to convert your videos into text?

As we have already mentioned, today there are many platforms that offer the service of convert video to text in a very short time, however, as there are many, many users do not know where to start to choose the right one, which is why below we list some considerations that you should take into account.

  • Price to pay for the quality of the resultsThis is one of the first considerations that users make, since the reality is that it is a very important point to evaluate in order to find the AI ​​platform or tool that can perform the conversion of video to text in high quality at a good price.
  • Compression level.Not all tools make an exact transcription of the video, that is why you must evaluate which tool really makes an excellent transcription and can show a clean and organized result according to the uploaded video.
  • Load capacity.Some AI tools for converting video to text do not allow you to convert very long videos, which is why it is a point to evaluate according to your needs so as not to use the wrong tool.
  • Features of the plans offered.Another point to evaluate is the plans offered by each platform, in order to not only analyze the price to pay but also visualize the features it offers to know if it meets what you really need.

Benefit of using AI tools to convert video to text

The use of AI tools for convert video to text offers multiple benefits that are undoubtedly very good to always keep in mind to facilitate the work of transcribing a video. Below, we list some of the most notable benefits of using AI tools to convert a video into text.

  • Time saving.In most cases, AI tools use advanced technologies that allow them to detect audiovisual content and convert it into text in a matter of seconds.
  • Minimizes the effort of manual work.Translating a video into text manually can take some time and dedication, but with AI tools it can be transcribed in a matter of minutes, which is the same amount of time you can dedicate to other activities.
  • Ease of access.Another benefit of these video to text converters is that you can provide the same video content, but in written form, to other users with less access to audiovisual content, allowing for more views of the content.

Possible pitfalls when using AI tools to convert video to text

Clearly, using AI to convert a video into text has certain advantages or benefits, however, this process also has its errors that must be kept in mind, since despite being a very advanced technology, it is not perfect and there is the possibility of grammatical and style errors arising, so it is always necessary to carry out an analysis and corrections to the content. Among the most common errors are the following.

  • Limitations to understanding contextual knowledge.Sometimes there may be errors in understanding the context of the video, which can make accurate transcription difficult.
  • This is another aspect that can make transcribing videos to text difficult, since sometimes additional background sounds can hinder understanding and transcribing the content.

Top 7 Best Video to Text Converter Platforms

The advancement of technology has led to the birth of AI platforms and tools for generating texts, videos, images and more, however, on this occasion we will talk about the best platforms for convert video to text.


This is one of the many platforms that provides a video to text converter with great precision, which can greatly simplify the transcription work. Notta is characterized by its speed, real-time transcription and ease of use.

Notable features of Notta

Notta has many notable aspects and elements compared to similar platforms, points that make it stand out. If you want to know its relevant features, we list the best ones below.

  • Ability to detect multiple languages.Notta currently supports transcription in over 50 languages, significantly expanding the number of users who can use it based on their native language.
  • Variety of formats.Just as it is able to understand multiple languages, it is also able to recognize various video formats such as WAV, MP4, FLV, WMW, M4A and more.
  • Online operation.This is another remarkable feature of Notta, as it not only supports transcribing a video from a file, but also converts video to text from the video URL.
  • Privacy and information security.Another notable feature of Notta is the security it employs to protect the data included in the transcription as well as the user’s data, including security protocols such as SSL, APPI, CCPA, among others. As well as the use of data encryption.


This is another of the platforms that are among the best in terms of converting video to text, as it has features deeply rooted in the function of converting a video to text, such as precision, speed of response, information security, and much more.

Features of Flixier

Below, we will share with you some of the most relevant and interesting features of Flixier.

  • Ease and speed.This is a very notable feature of Flixier, as it has an optimized and intuitive interface that allows any user to use the platform without having advanced knowledge in this regard. In addition, its conversion process is very fast, which generates results in just a few minutes.
  • The level of compatibility when it comes to recognizing various video formats such as MP4, MOV, MPEG, AVI, among others, makes this a relevant feature compared to other similar platforms.
  • YouTube Videos to Text.This is another unique and remarkable feature of Flixier, as you can not only transform videos from your computer to text, but you can also do it directly online from YouTube with just the URL of the video.
  • Importing results.Flixier also features the ability to import results to multiple platforms such as Google Docs, Drive, Word, email and more, making it easy to use the generated text.


This is another video to text converter that is really worth knowing, as it provides quite broad and complete solutions when it comes to needing a video transcription. With its AI, it can generate the text from the video quite accurately and in a very simple way and in a very short time.

Veed Highlights

Veed is a very popular platform among artificial intelligence platforms. Among its features regarding the conversion of video to text you will be able to notice the following.

  • Easy to use.Given its intuitive and well-developed interface, it can be used by anyone who needs to convert a video to text without advanced knowledge regarding video transcription with artificial intelligence tools.
  • Video editing.This is another characteristic aspect of the platform, since it can not only convert a video into text, but it also has specific functions for video editing, whether to trim or adjust the video.
  • Variety of tools.Veed also stands out for having multiple tools at its disposal that not only allow you to convert a video to text in simple steps, but also allow you to add subtitles to videos, custom branding options, and more.

Happy Scribe

This is another artificial intelligence tool that allows the station to carry the text in question, currently standing out for its precision as well as its ease of use.

Features of Happy Scribe

Want to know the positive aspects of video to text converter that the Happy Scribe platform offers, below we list the most outstanding features of the platform.

  • Variety of languages.This is a feature that really makes the platform stand out in general, as it allows you to convert a video into text in multiple languages ​​in a matter of minutes.
  • Edit function.This is another characteristic aspect of the platform, as it not only converts the video into text, but also has the function of being able to edit the video and add subtitles and other aspects.
  • Low priceAlthough it is a paid platform, its price is quite low compared to other similar platforms, prices ranging from $0.20 per minute.

AI Teacher

Maestra IA is a video transcription platform that is worth knowing and using if you are looking for an accurate and fast transcription of any YouTube video.

Interesting features of AI Teacher

Like every master tool, it also has characteristics that make it popular, among which the following can be highlighted.

  • Low rate of spelling errors.Thanks to its advanced artificial intelligence algorithm, it can significantly minimize spelling errors in a manual transcription.
  • Currently Maestra IA is a completely free tool where you can get the video texts without the need for registration or subscription.
  • No registration required.This is another characteristic aspect of the tool, since to use it you simply have to access the official page and paste the URL of the video you want to transform into text.


This is another fairly complete tool based on artificial intelligence that provides a transcription or conversion of video to text in a fairly accurate and fast way. It has quite deep-rooted particularities that make it a very popular platform, such as the availability of many transcription languages.

Features you can find in Rask

Clearly, this is a platform that has many particularities that make it very popular among other video to text converters, however, below we list some of the most relevant features.

  • Various languages ​​available.A distinctive feature of this platform is that it currently has more than 130 languages ​​available for video to text conversion.
  • Durability of videos.Another notable aspect of the platform is that it allows video to text conversion in videos of more than 5 hours in length.
  • Easy to use.Rask stands out for being very easy to use compared to other tools, since by simply uploading the video and pressing the transcribe or translate button, its artificial intelligence is activated and generates an organized and precise text of the video content.


Transkriptor is an artificial intelligence tool with extensive functions for editing and converting video and audio to text, facilitating the process of manually transcribing and translating videos in multiple languages.

Features of Transkriptor

Learn about the best features you can find in Transkriptor and get the most out of it.

  • Wide compatibility in file support.This is a very unique feature of the platform, as it is one of the few that accepts a wide variety of video and audio formats to be transformed into text.
  • Easy to share texts.It also has an integrated function, quite simple, but that supports and performs a lot of teamwork, being able to share the generated texts with just the push of a button to the entire team or user you want.
  • Multiple speaker recognition.This feature is the one that stands out the most on the platform, as Transcriber can easily recognize multiple speakers within a video and generate very precise text.

Use case for video to text platform

Many are not clear about the purpose of the convert video to text or at least when to use it, if you are one of those users, below we list some use cases of video to text converters where they are essential tools to speed up the work.

  • Make subtitles and translations.Transcribing a video allows the user to not only add subtitles to the video accurately and correctly, but also facilitates the work of translating it, without wasting time doing the process manually.
  • Search optimization.Another aspect where the video to text converter is very useful is in SEO optimization for search engines, since they recognize and rate written content, however, videos cannot be indexed directly, clearly this helps in content views and improving search positioning.
  • Content evaluation and analysis.Analyzing written content is much easier than analyzing a video, allowing you to identify keywords, recurring themes, etc. to improve decision-making.
  • Content creation.This is another particular case of the video to text converter, since, if you need an article on a certain topic already made in video, with the converter in a matter of a few minutes you will have the writing just as it is developed in the video.

FAQ about video to text converter

This is a topic that has been heard a lot in recent years with the rise of the creation of audiovisual content, however, there are certain doubts that we would like you to know the answers to and here we will let you know.

Can I convert a YouTube video to text?

Yes, today there are AI tools that can generate content in a matter of minutes by simply entering the video URL.

Is it free to convert a video or audio?

It really all depends on the platform you use to convert the video to text. Currently there are many that are free.

In what format do you get the text from video to text converters?

It will all depend on the platform used, but in most cases the text format is TXT or PDF.