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AI text rewriter: How to rewrite an article?

One of the most relevant things apart from the entire strategy used for digital marketing and all the guidelines is the writing of content as such, that is why it is very important not only to know the specific topic and apply all possible spelling and grammar rules. , but also to use SEO elements that in one way or another help in the positioning of the content and the traffic it generates.

However, when writing there is a limitation that many know as writing block, where the writer runs out of ideas and cannot develop the topic objectively.

For reasons such as the aforementioned, there are tools for AI text rewriter that in one way or another can not only open up new ideas regarding the topic, but also speed up the content writing process.

Currently there are many AI article rewriters, however, not all of them meet what you are really looking for, this time we will not only talk to you about some platforms that really fulfill the function, but we will teach you step by step how to use them and all the points that must be considered on the topic of the AI ​​text rewriter.

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AI Text Rewriter

What does a content rewriter do with Artificial Intelligence?

The functions of this type of tool may be thought to be very simple, however, there are some aspects to consider so that the rewritten text is of quality and also complies with these parameters and will generate positive results behind all the interface. There is a chain of algorithms to search for information and give this information a new approach and style that leaves original and new results.

Basically what an AI text rewriter does is search for information based on the text provided and restructure the entire text giving a new focus and style.

What is the best tool for rewriting texts?

Obviously, as we have already mentioned, there are many tools for this purpose, however, this time we will talk to you about some of the best known.


This is one of the main platforms that you can find to make use of the function of rewriting texts with artificial intelligence, it stands out for its multiple characteristics such as easy use, originality, among others that in one way or another makes it appear in one of the best tools. to rewrite texts.


These are another of the many tools that paraphrase or rewrite texts. Their function is basically to restructure given information, also adding relevant information on the topic. This gives you the opportunity to not only rewrite the text as such, but also change its style if desired or necessary.


Paraphaser is another tool based on artificial intelligence that aims to rewrite AI texts quickly without leaving aside the coherence and originality of the content. With it you can rewrite all types of content, sentences, phrases, paragraphs and much more.

4. SmallSEOTols

SmallSEOTools is a fairly complete platform when it comes to text creation, it not only has a tool to rewrite AI texts in an optimized way, but also has a spelling and grammar checker, anti-plagiarism and much more.


This tool is focused very specifically on its function to rewrite AI texts, which allows you to obtain favorable results for the same reasons that make it one of the best tools to rewrite AI texts.

Advantages of using Copyter article rewriting tool

As with everything, there are certain parameters in some tools that stand out compared to others, this time we list some of the advantages that you can find in Copyter that you may not find in other platforms.

  • Overcome writer’s block. This Copyter tool obviously stands out in this aspect, since in one way or another it is capable of generating or paraphrasing the content so that completely new and original texts result by sending the ideas block.
  • Cost effectiveness. Although many people may see the profitability of these tools as a bad thing, the truth is that Copyter has always offered quite low stress plans and services compared to other platforms and still maintained quality.
  • Easy to use. The interface that Copyter offers is quite optimized and intuitive, allowing any user to use it without many complications or setbacks. In short, you don’t have to be an expert to use the article rewriter correctly.

Article Rewriting Example

Currently, it is possible to find texts clearly created with artificial intelligence, however, identifying them right away is not so easy. Below we show you an example of a text completely rewritten by artificial intelligence.

Original text

Copyter is a platform that has a large number of tools based on artificial intelligence where each of these tools has a specific function, but all in favor of generating AI content with greater ease and high quality.

Text generated by Copyter’s AI text rewrite tool

Copyter is a platform with a lot of AI tools that make creating content much easier and faster, although each one has specific functions, they can all be complemented to create quality and original content.

Steps to rewrite texts with Copyter’s artificial intelligence

This time we will be teaching you step by step how to use the tool to AI text rewriter with Copyter.

Step 1: Sign up for Copyter

First of all, you have to register on the platform to have access to its tools. To do this, you just have to click on the register option located in the upper right corner of the screen as indicated in the following image.

Register Copyter

Once pressed, you must provide information such as email, username and password.

Step 2: Choose the text rewrite tool

Once you have registered, you must enter and locate in the templates section the tool to use in this case to rewrite Copyter AI texts, as we point out in the following image.

Choose to rewrite AI text

Step 3: Provide the text you want to rewrite

In this step you must provide the text that you want to rewrite in the form that we indicate in the image.

Form to rewrite text

It should be noted that the text to be rewritten must not exceed 8000 characters. In addition to this, you must select the tone you want the text to have and then press Generate Text.

Step 4: Modify generated text

At this point all that remains is to review the generated text and make as many adjustments as necessary so that the text meets your requirements. This editing can be done in the area indicated in the following image.

Edit generated text

Step 5: Save the generated result

Finally, all that remains is to save the result in the options that we indicate in the following image.

Save text

It should be noted that the results can be saved in different formats such as PDF, Docx, among others.

Frequently asked questions about text rewriter

This type of tool, although it is talked about a lot today, is not as well known as any other tool, which is why there are always certain doubts about its operation, its legality and the originality of the results, then, We show you some of the frequently asked questions.

Is rewriting articles legal?

The legality of this type of tool as such has generated certain doubts, however, it must be clear that it is not illegal at all, however, the results generated by said tool must meet certain parameters such as originality of the text, for this reason it always It is advisable to verify the results and if possible make some modifications.

Does Rewrite content contain grammatical errors?

In most cases it does not contain errors, but it is not always worth checking, because depending on the tool used there is a certain margin of error. It is always advisable to check not only the originality of the text, but also the spelling and grammatical style.

Are the articles rewritten by Copyter original?

Yes, Copyter currently has a fairly advanced algorithm that allows not only to search for highly valuable information in the text to be generated, but also has the characteristic of giving coherence, meaning and originality to the text made with AI.

How long can I rewrite a text with Copyter?

The truth is that it is a fairly quick process that can take only a few minutes, everything will depend on the length of words you want it to do.

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