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Chatbot: Everything you need to know for your e-commerce

E-commerce is one of the activities that has been undergoing many changes and advances lately, to the point that today there are many companies that have taken the initiative to change their business a little by incorporating chatbot of artificial intelligence to improve many aspects of your business, such as advertising reach, customer service, and much more.

On this occasion, we will talk about the most relevant aspects that you need to know about artificial intelligence and chatbots in the world of e-commerce.

Chatbot E-commerce

What is a chatbot and how does it work?

An online chatbot is a system or program that can engage in a conversation in a very similar way to a human using certain algorithms that allow it to self-learn and even have the ability to understand the conversation in order to respond.

Its operation in the eyes of users is quite simple, issuing a response according to what was asked through the chat, however a chatbot and its operation is a little broader, since it complies with three very important elements: one is based on artificial intelligence, the second is that it has the capacity for self-learning and the third is the capacity to process natural language, thus allowing a more accurate and real response to be issued.

Advantages and benefits of a chatbot for your e-commerce

Certainly, many people are reluctant to see the improvements that can be offered by the use of online chatbot In e-commerce, if you are one of them, below we will tell you about some benefits of these tools based on artificial intelligence.

  • Chatbots are computer programs based on artificial intelligence that are fully adaptable to any type of company, depending on its needs. Their level of customization and adaptation is undoubtedly a benefit to consider.
  • Saving money.This is another benefit of using chatbots in e-commerce, as you would not have to invest in customer service staff.
  • Product guide.An online chatbot can easily analyze the orientations and preferences of each user, through chat, allowing them to present products of greater interest, recommendations and more.
  • Active 24/7.Clearly, this is another benefit of chatbots, since unlike humans, they can remain active all day, every day and attend to any e-commerce requirement.

Importing a chatbot into your e-business

The importance of a chatbot in e-commerce lies in several aspects, as already mentioned in its benefits, although they cannot completely replace humans in terms of their charisma to convince and achieve a sale, they do have certain arguments that are quite advantageous, such as being able to be active 24 hours a day, every day.

As well as being able to analyze a large number of users through questions and answers in chat, in order to show and recommend products that are more appropriate to what the user is looking for, which considerably increases commerce and the purchasing process.

Characteristics that a good Chatbot should have

Like everything, chatbots also have characteristics that in one way or another make them different from other similar computer programs. Below, we will talk about some of the most relevant characteristics of chatbots or bots as many know them.

Machine learning capabilities

Many programs can provide answers to certain questions in a fairly accurate manner, however, a chatbot They have the ability to learn as they interact with users, a characteristic that makes them stand out in e-commerce, as it allows them to optimize the sales process by improving interaction.

Intuitive and user-friendly design

This is another feature that you can notice in most chatbots, and it is very useful when it comes to e-commerce, as this allows any user to interact with the bot in an easy way and resolve their queries or complete purchases quickly.

Information security and privacy

They are configured to ensure that the information provided to the chat is protected, prioritizing the privacy of the information.

Ease of adaptation to existing systems

Another remarkable aspect of chatbots is that they can be adapted to any existing system or program, so if you already have an online sales system you can incorporate an online chatbot without any problem. Thanks to its adaptability, it is an easy process to carry out.

Platforms where I can create my own chatbot

Given the technological advances today, you can have a fairly clear starting point regarding the creation of a chatbot, since there are platforms dedicated to this purpose, so if you are interested in creating your own chatbot, below we list some of the platforms that you can use.

  • Botsify
  • Telegram Bots
  • ChattyPeople
  • Pandorabots

Obviously, each of the aforementioned platforms has its own particularities that in one way or another make a difference and attract each type of user according to their needs, however, they are all oriented towards the creation of chatbots.

Reasons why you should use a chatbot in your e-commerce

This is a question that many users ask themselves before really knowing all the potential that chatbots have in e-commerce. The truth is that, in short, chatbots have particularities that increase commerce to a certain extent, among the reasons are:

Answer frequently asked questions faster

As it is a computer program based on artificial intelligence, it can be active all day, which allows it to respond quickly to any user request, somewhat increasing the customer service experience.

Invest time better in activities

Because chatbot AI is capable of handling multiple activities, the merchant can spend time on other activities that drive e-commerce.

Generate new contacts more easily

The dissemination of information is essential to create new clients, at this point thanks to the response capacity they have, bots can contact many more people and even more easily.

Frequently Asked Questions about Chatbots

Obviously, talking about chatbots is a rather broad topic, which is why many users have certain doubts. Below, we will answer some frequently asked questions about chatbots.

What can’t a chatbot do?

Currently, a chatbot, despite all the technological advances, has certain limitations such as not being able to be a human, continuing a conversation once closed by the user, avoiding answering repetitive questions, among others.

What technology do chatbots use?

The technology used by chatbots is artificial intelligence and Machine Learning.

What threats does a chatbot pose?

The most latent threat to chatbots is that they can be hacked and used to steal information and spread viruses and malware.

How many types of Chatbots are there?

The type of chatbot is closely tied to the function it performs, and the type of chatbot is established from there, whether it is a chatbot for support and customer service or a chatbot as a sales assistant. The type of existing chatbots is indicated according to its function.