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Facebook ADS generator: How to write ads that convert?

Writing an ad for Facebook Ads is not an activity that should be undertaken lightly, because when this activity is done well, it is undoubtedly a gold mine, however, it can also be your biggest downfall, everything will depend on the approach. that is given, as well as the arguments and elements used to make said announcement.

This time we will talk to you about how to write ads that convert, taking into account points that are really important to know and AI tools that can provide you with support regarding the creation of copy for Facebook.

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Facebook ADS Generator

What is a Facebook Ads generator with Artificial Intelligence?

As the name suggests, an AI-enabled Facebook Ads generator is an AI-based tool that in one way or another allows the user to create ad content for specific audiences. With these tools you can improve the use of images and some other elements to generate more specific copy aimed at specific audiences.

How to make eye-catching copy for Facebook Ads with AI?

To make or create striking copy for Facebook Ads there are certain elements that must be considered even though it can be done with tools based on artificial intelligence, since despite all the progress in these tools, human talent and creativity are always necessary, in addition to complying with the following aspects that the copy must contain.

1. Appeal to emotions

This is one of the main elements that you should consider when writing the content for the advertisement, many think that most decisions are always calculated based on logical reasoning, mathematical calculations, among others, however, in most cases a large percentage of purchases are made under emotions.

For the same reason, appealing to these, such as curiosity, security, saving effort, among others, will undoubtedly help attract the attention of potential clients.

2. Turn features into benefits

This other aspect is important, since it is recommended that potential customers see your ad not as a list of characteristics that define your product or service, but rather a list of benefits that they can obtain from it.


3. Use simple vocabulary

The use of technicality is a fairly common error in copy, the truth is that when it comes to calling for action it is more effective to transmit the message in a simple and direct way, the ideal is to write the message as if it were of a common conversation with an acquaintance or friend.

4. Includes Emojis

The use of emojis, although some think it is something very informal, the reality is that it provides a more emotional tone to the advertisement, as well as making it more obvious that it is a natural advertisement, more from user to user.

5. Talk about yourself to your client

You must keep in mind that each person who can see the advertisement is doing so individually, so it is highly recommended to talk to them about yourself so that they actually feel direct attention and trust between the parties, in a few words it is like the ad being created specifically for that person.

6. Use Magic Words

Certainly, when a person looks at an advertisement there are always words that are engaging, since this aspect is always good to take into account, so when you make copy try to use words like, Easy, success, offer, secret, guarantee, among others. . Since they are words that undoubtedly attract the attention of anyone.

7. Create Headline Hooks

Headlines are the first aspect that the user commonly looks at, which is why it is essential to create them in a quite eye-catching way that, in a few words, can convey a message and the important call to action.

Examples of copy for Facebook Ads

There are many ways to create copy depending on the type of product or service you want to promote, however, as an example we can show you the following:

Facebook ADS example

As you can see, this type of advertising or announcement seeks to publicize the characteristics of a service and at the same time capture the attention of its target audience, which are the developers who need to collect payment for their services from different parts of the world.

Another example of this type of advertising is the following, where it uses emojis to make it more friendly. Also, add calls to action such as Download it instantly and try it now.

Texts for Facebook ADS examples

Steps to generate texts for Facebook Ads with Copyter’s artificial intelligence

Generating texts for Facebook Ads with Copyter is quite easy, the truth is that the same tool has a very intuitive interface that you will not need to have extensive knowledge to understand how it works, the first thing you should do is register on the official portal. the following way.

Step 1: Sign up for Copyter

To do this you must go to the official portal and press the registration option in the upper right corner of the screen.

Register Copyter

After this, you must provide the relevant information for registration such as full name, email, country, password and password validation.

Step 2: Choose the Ads text generator

In this step you must press the “Templates” option in the left side menu and then select the type of templates you want, in this case “Ad Headlines”

Choose Facebook ADS tool

Step 3: Provide information to generate the content

Once step 2 is completed, in this step you must enter information such as:

  • Product name.
  • Type of audience to which it is directed.
  • Product description.
  • Level of creativity that you want artificial intelligence to use, whether high, medium or low.
  • We can use the tone of voice, such as professional, casual, among others.
  • Finally, the amount of result you want it to generate and the maximum number of words per content in the form shown in the image.

Facebook ADS Form

Step 4: Make adjustments to the generated text

Once the information in the previous form has been filled out and the text has been generated, there is only one very important step left to do and that is to read the generated text and make the various modifications that are convenient to improve the content, save it and give it the use you want within the social network.

Edit Facebook ADS content

Step 5: Save the copies for Facebook Ads that you like the most

As a last step, you just have to click on the option located in the upper right corner to save the generated text in formats for Word, PDF, among other available formats.

Save Facebook ADS results

Frequent questions

It is no secret to anyone that there are always small doubts regarding specific topics, here we will answer the most frequently asked questions regarding the topic of Facebook Ads and the creation of content with artificial intelligence.

What is Facebook copy?

This is nothing more than a text on Facebook that is accompanied by some elements such as images, videos, among others in the same publication, which aims to attract the attention of the audience and persuade them to take a specific action, and is visit a site, blog, make a purchase, among other actions.

What types of content can I create in AI Writer?

Currently, any type of content, artificial intelligence, has made very considerable progress, capable of understanding and developing content of any kind and for any type of audience.

Who is the AI ​​content writer for?

In general, these types of tools are aimed at any type of user who is interested in creating content, however, these tools are more used by those content creators who do not have exclusive time for said activity, relying on this type of tool. tool.

What can AI Copyter write for you?

Copyter’s data or AI base is very broad, being able to create many types of content, as well as many shades of content depending on the type of audience to which the information or copy is directed.

How quickly can I get customer support?

Customer service is an aspect that characterizes Copyter, since responses can be given in a matter of a few hours depending on the requirement and at most a wait of 1 day.

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