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Follow up Email Generator: Create Better Emails with AI

A follow-up email is nothing more than an email that is sent after some action as such, be it an event, a sale, a trip, among others. As its name indicates, this email or sequence of emails aims to collect information from certain customers to encourage them to make a decision regarding an offered service or product.

It should be noted that this type of email was not always so easy to write, until now when the follow up email generator, which generates a clear and precise structure of the email, in addition to providing continuity to the information from previously sent emails.

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Follow up email generator

Why send a follow-up email?

On many occasions when a user purchases a service or product it is because they have not only been interested in it to cover a need, but behind everything there is certain information that leads them to carry out the business.

One of the objectives of the follow-up emails is precisely to make the user convinced of purchasing the product or service, touching on three main characteristics through the follow-up emails, which are.

They help increase conversion

Through follow-up emails, the possibility of the user purchasing the service or product offered increases, since they feel cared for in a good way and also part of the business.

They generate trust

As is well known, when there are tracking emails, recipient users feel better cared for, which significantly generates a broader level of trust and encourages the user to end up acquiring the service or product offered, as well as giving continuity to a previously initiated procedure.

They filter your audience

Another relevant reason for sending follow-up emails is that they allow you in a certain way to filter the users, since through the actions taken by the users from the email it will make you identify who connects with your services and products offered and who does not. show interest.

These are features that will make you write follow-up emails, however, you must keep in mind that this is a job where you must be patient and create high-quality copies in which you can support yourself. AI tracking email generator.

Considerations for writing an effective follow-up email

It is worth noting that today there are AI tools such as follow up email generator, that can certainly speed up all the work of writing high-quality follow-up emails, but it doesn’t hurt to know some points to consider to write an effective follow-up email.

Next, we will show you some things you should do when writing your follow-up emails.

Reminder of who you are

Clearly, in addition to a brief but very personalized greeting, you should try to highlight your brand or business, which is why you should always remind the reader who you are, as well as make your objectives very clear, this will increase the level of trust.

Quick description of your previous email

After the aforementioned, you must continue with the information you want to make known. Of course, since it is a follow-up email, you must make a small count of the previous email, so the person will not only know who is writing to them, but also the reason why. which you contact him, whether for a subscription, for a product obtained, among others.

Write good copy

Giving a pleasant greeting, reminding the user who you are and making a description of the previous follow-up email is not enough, that is why you should also worry about writing the content very well in general, that it provides relevant information and that it also fulfills the purpose. that the user takes a positive action according to what they want to agree with the email.

Best Tracking Email Generator Alternatives

Currently, there are many platforms on the internet that offer AI tools such as follow up email generator However, not all of them achieve the results that many users expect regarding the quality and originality of the content.

That is why, below, we list the best alternatives for follow up email generator that you should know.

1. Copyter

This platform is one of the most popular today, not only because it has a follow-up email generator, but it has more than 30 high-quality AI tools that will help you speed up all the work.

In addition to its quality, it has adaptive plans according to user requirements, not to mention that for all its tools you have the availability of 37 languages.

2. Flowrite

This is another quite comfortable tool for email management, among its functions you can find the follow-up email generator with artificial intelligence. Flowrite stands out for having a fairly simple and understandable interface for any user, in addition to its high level of customization in the generation of follow-up emails.

3. Simplified

Simplified is another platform that stands out and is one of the best alternatives to other follow-up email generators. It stands out for the variety of high-quality AI tools it has and its free version that, despite being free, is quite complete compared to other free platforms.

4. Easy-peasy

This is a fairly advanced content generator which you can use to create good quality follow-up emails just by supplying the parameters you want. Easy-peasy has GPT-4 technology AI which you can use from its free version in a limited way.

Currently, it is a very good alternative that you can get in its paid version for only $4.99 per month.

5. TextCortex AI

TextCortex IA is also another alternative within the platforms that have the follow-up email IA generator that is worth knowing, since its generated content is of high quality, making all your work look professional.

This platform stands out for its quality in creating content with AI, all the languages ​​it has available and the integration it can have with many websites, a point that makes it stand out from the rest.

Follow-up Email Generator: Step by Step Tutorial

As we have already mentioned today, there are many ways to write a good follow-up email, however, not everyone knows how to take advantage of artificial intelligence, which is why we will teach you step by step how to generate a follow-up email with the follow up email generator from Copyter.

Step 1. Sign up for Copyter

The first step, as it is already titled, is to register on the platform to access its tools. For this you must go to the “Register” option as indicated in the image to fill out the registration form.

Register Copyter

Step 2: Choose Copyter’s Tracking Email Builder

Once registration is complete, you must enter and locate the “Templates” option in the main menu as shown below.

Copyter menu

Once the option is selected, all Copyter’s AI tools should be displayed on the screen where you should look for the follow-up email generator as can be seen in the following image.

Select the generator

Step 3: Complete the form to generate a follow-up email

Within the tool itself you must complete the form as shown in the image, there you must enter the parameters that the follow-up email generator must consider to meet your demands and press generate.

Generator form

Step 4: Verify the generated email

Once the content has been generated, in this step all that remains is to check that everything generated meets what you want and if not, be able to make the necessary changes with Copyter’s editing tools.

Edit generator content

Step 5: Save the results

Finally, all that remains is to save the content in the available formats (PDF, Word and TXT) as indicated in the image or copy and paste the content.

Save generated content

Frequently asked questions: Follow-up emails

Follow-up emails are an important part of marketing and sales, that is why they are widely used today, generating trust in customers and following up on business is crucial to closing negotiations.

Below are some answers to questions related to follow-up emails.

Who are the follow-up emails addressed to?

Follow-up emails are always directed to people who at some point started a process, whether to obtain a product or services, as well as to people who subscribed to a channel, events, among others, in which they showed interest. in the subject.

How many follow-up emails can I send daily?

Everything will depend on the email service provider, however, currently Gmail, which is one of the best-known providers, can send up to 500 emails daily.

Is it feasible to use follow-up email templates?

If it is a viable option, however, it is recommended to use artificial intelligence as a starting point and make the different modifications to personalize the email so that it is original and authentic to your company or brand.

When to send a follow-up email?

There are many indications that give you the initiative to write a follow-up email, normally this can happen when a user subscribes to some of your services, buys a product offered, is interested in a promotion, starts a procedure, among other moments, it is There are when follow-up emails are appropriate.

What to do with a follow-up email with no response?

This is a fairly normal situation in sending follow-up emails, there is a percentage that will ignore the information and well for those specific cases the ideal is to contact through other channels, either directly with a phone call or using networks social.

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