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Top 7 Best Free AI Tools for Digital Marketing

Nowadays, commerce has changed in many aspects, so much so that there are many aspects that you must keep constantly updated to keep your business current among the competition, luckily thanks to many technological advances today there are certain  AI tools for digital marketing, which helps considerably in attracting new audiences, campaign optimization and much more.

On this occasion we will not only talk to you about these AI tools in a general sense, but we will also talk to you about the best ones. free AI tools for digital marketing, which are undoubtedly worth knowing.

AI tools for marketing

Learn what AI tools are for digital marketing

AI tools for digital marketing are nothing more than tools based on artificial intelligence focused on improving decision-making regarding marketing campaigns, as well as tools that have the ability to self-learn, analyze data and information to automate tasks and obtain better overall results in regards to advertising, marketing, and other activities.

It is noteworthy that today there are many of these tools based on artificial intelligence that can be an excellent support in any type of venture or company, with the topic of digital marketing, such as.

  • Virtual assistants.This is a way to have real-time interaction with an AI that can help with any questions or requests a customer may have, and even advertise the services or products offered.
  • AI tool for generating content.This can be very useful when you need to create the content for the campaign you want to start.
  • AI tool to optimize content. Likewise, this is another tool that is very useful when creating advertising content for marketing, since with this type of AI tool you can find keywords and optimize searches.
  • AI tool for email marketing optimization.This type of AI tool allows you to automatically analyze email engagement in order to personalize email-focused campaigns.
  • AI tool for analysis and reporting of results.This is another very useful AI tool in digital marketing, since it can analyze a large amount of data in a few minutes and provide a complete report to improve all aspects of the campaign.
  • AI tool for social media management.Obviously, this is another important AI tool when looking to integrate AI into the entire digital marketing process, as it allows you to schedule and analyze the engagement of certain advertisements and, based on the analysis, improve the focus of the campaigns.
  • AI tool for managing advertising campaigns.This is another existing tool that you can find to automate advertising bids, segment audiences, among other functions.

The benefits of using AI tools for digital marketing

Clearly, in recent years it has been shown that artificial intelligence brings with it certain benefits in all aspects, however, on this occasion we will talk about the benefits of using Free AI tools for digital marketing that you should definitely know about.

  • Optimized data collection.This is one of the most relevant benefits of AI in digital marketing, as it can collect and create detailed personalized profiles for each client, thus allowing the best recommendations, content, services and more to be offered to each client in a personalized and unique way.
  • Get insights and trends faster.Thanks to the capabilities of tools based on artificial intelligence, they can analyze a larger amount of data in an exhaustive manner than a human and thus create a perspective and trend based on the analysis of a large amount of data analyzed.
  • Optimized campaigns.Other relevant benefits of artificial intelligence in digital marketing include the automation of advertising expenses, as well as the strategy that can be applied to real-time advertising bidding.

It is worth noting that these are some of the most relevant benefits regarding the use of AI tools for digital marketing.

The best free AI tools for digital marketing

Evidently, digital marketing has had many changes, which have been quite difficult for many to adapt to, which is why there are AI tools that help considerably to improve all aspects related to digital marketing, ranging from SEO optimization of content, such as automated programming to the analysis of large amounts of data, perspective and more.

That is why below we will tell you about the best free AI tools for digital marketing that you should know.


This is a platform that contains a wide variety of AI tools that can be very useful for creating advertising content, ads, and much more for digital marketing. Today, it is a very comfortable platform given the quality results and the wide variety of tools it offers for free but in a limited way.

Copyter Features

Learn about Copyter’s most relevant features that will make you want to use this platform.

  • Number of templates.Currently, it has a large library of templates for all types of tasks.
  • Unique and personalized features.Copyter has a unique range of features for both digital marketing and generating text, descriptions and more.
  • Free plan available.Although it is a platform with paid plans, you also have the possibility of using its AI tools in a limited way, completely free of charge.
  • Easy to use.Their tool interfaces are extremely easy to understand, making it possible for anyone without advanced instructions to use AI tools for marketing and any other activity.


This is an excellent AI tool that is very useful in digital marketing, which helps you serve customers quickly and efficiently by creating timely and accurate responses according to the customer’s requirements. If you want to apply good marketing strategies in the communication aspect, this AI tool can be an excellent option.

Chatfuel Features

Below, we will let you know what the most notable features of Chatfuel are.

  • Facebook Automation.This is a key feature of Chatfuel, as this tool allows you to automate responses, create chats, message chains, and much more in a quick and easy way.
  • Instagram Flow Builder.It features a very easy-to-use interface to set up lead generation, as well as create discounts, FAQs, and more from a single tool.
  • Integration of buttons into websites.This tool also stands out for the particularity or characteristic of being able to integrate buttons such as WhatsApp into your site, thus creating direct communication with each client.
  • Easy to use.Despite being an AI tool with a variety of functions, it is very easy to use thanks to its well-organized interface.


This is one of the few AI tools focused solely on digital marketing, as it has a series of specific functions for planning high-quality content, also offering personalized perspectives to make better decisions. It is worth noting that this tool does not generate content, but rather allows you to plan it and obtain the highest productivity from it.

MarketMuse Key Features

Below are the main features you should know about MarketMuse.

  • Content group analysisWith MarketMuse you can perform a detailed analysis of content clusters to reveal and avoid content gaps, as well as identify must-have content.
  • Planning automation.With this tool you can streamline many processes by applying automation and quickly evaluating the content that really works and what doesn’t.
  • Competition analysis.MarketMuse is known for this feature, which allows you to thoroughly analyze your competitors’ content and show you possible improvements.
  • Keyword analysis.Thanks to the tool’s potential in analysis, it can show you the difficulty of positioning yourself on certain topics and keywords.


Influencity is an artificial intelligence platform with which you can build a strategy to cover the main social networks in order to contact and follow up with influential users within your campaign in order to improve strategies and any other aspect of the campaign through detailed statistical monitoring.

It is worth noting that Influencity also has a fairly extensive library of resources where you can find the best guides, courses, practical cases, ebooks and much more, all to improve digital marketing.

Relevant features of Influencity

Like any tool, application, program, etc., Influencity has certain characteristics that make it different from other similar tools, so we will present them to you below.

  • Contact influencers interested in your brand.This is one of the main features of the tool, since through it you can easily find influential users interested in your brand, which will help you promote it.
  • User analysis.Through the AI ​​of this tool capable of analyzing large amounts of data and information, you will be able to have a broad notion of customers, as well as influential users, to subsequently improve your recommendations, reach, and other things achievable through influencers.


ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-based tool that can be very useful for digital marketing, as it can produce high-quality writing, issue questions and answers, create blog posts and much more, streamlining many processes with just a few clicks.

Main features of ChatGPT

Today ChatGPT is very useful in various fields, highlighted in a good way, below, we will show you the most interesting features of ChatGPT.

  • E-commerce product recommendation.Thanks to its AI technology, it is capable of making personalized online product or service recommendations for each client or user.
  • Market research and analysis.ChatGPT is also capable of performing comprehensive market analysis, showing trends and other information that helps in business decision making.
  • Easy to use.It has a fairly simple interface, but optimized to such an extent that any user without advanced knowledge on the subject can use it and perform the different tasks to improve digital marketing.

Phrase. Today, Io is part of our top list of the best AI tools for digital marketing since it is a fairly complete platform for creating high-quality content with SEO optimization, which covers and provides a good response to users’ search intentions, an aspect that is very important for any marketing strategy you want to apply. It is worth noting that it is completely free and its paid plans are also affordable.

Features of

Clearly, has features that make it stand out from other similar AI platforms or tools, and we will let you know why below.

  • Generation of authentic texts.This is a remarkable feature of, as in just a few seconds it can generate high-quality text that helps with marketing and user search intent, based on analyzed information oriented to the same topic.
  • Low is free, however, it has paid plans that offer more advanced services for a low price.
  • Keyword analysis.Obviously, this AI tool not only helps you with high-quality texts, but it also analyzes keywords to improve the positioning of the article, or the intention of the marketing campaign.
  • Generation of recommendation is also known for providing a complete framework to improve your writing and precisely serve your target audience, thus generating a higher level of trust, increased traffic, and more.

As expected in digital marketing, these are any strategies that help increase and improve the user experience in order to have greater advertising reach and increase traffic. Visual resources such as flyers and images, logos and others are very important, which is why is part of this top of the best AI tools for digital marketing.

This tool is characterized by using artificial intelligence to streamline the process of creating logos, logotypes and high-quality images that denote a message to the audience and encourage them to take action according to what is offered in digital marketing advertising campaigns.

With this tool you can make the most of the versatility of styles, colors, etc. that offers for creating logos, logotypes, among others, in a matter of minutes.

Key Features of

Currently, has some pretty interesting features to know about, especially when you want to use various AI tools to apply digital marketing in a good way and this leaves positive results, so, below, we list the most relevant features of

  • Ease of use.This is a very relevant feature of, since, by simply entering its web portal, you enter some instructions and keywords and it can generate a certain quantity and variety of logos and logotypes for your advertising campaign.
  • It has free access.It is worth noting that, although its basic plan is paid, you can access a certain number of creations completely free from its main portal.
  • Speed ​​in delivering results.This is another feature worth highlighting about the tool, as it can display several results in just a few seconds.
  • Variety in designs.Another notable point is the number and variety of personalized designs that can be shown with the same instruction, allowing the user to choose the one they like best.

To conclude

Now, in a general way we can say that today there are a large number of free AI tools for digital marketing which are essential tools to make use of AI for digital marketing and considerably increase results.

Clearly, it is not always necessary to use all of the AI ​​tools and platforms mentioned above, however, they are tools that are worth knowing and using in certain occasions to increase the effectiveness of the campaign.

Frequently asked questions about AI tools for digital marketing

Below, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about AI tools used for digital marketing.

How does artificial intelligence help digital marketing?

As is well known, AI has several functions that can create content on various topics, as well as minimize possible errors in data analysis, data collection, and even process automation, thanks to its capabilities that also include self-learning.

How can AI be used in data analysis for marketing?

Artificial intelligence can be used in many ways in various fields, including digital marketing. It can be used to collect data, personalize interactions with each customer, analyze and predict trends, segment audiences, and much more.

How does artificial intelligence work with advertising?

This can help you run higher quality ads to improve the attraction and experience of each user, all thanks to the different capabilities that each AI tool has. In addition to the fact that everything is done more quickly