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How to use generative AI for email marketing and boost your campaign

Learn a little about How to use generative AI for email marketing and expand your knowledge about generative artificial intelligence for email marketing and boost your email campaign in an efficient and revolutionary way using AI.

It is worth noting that email marketing remains one of the most direct channels of communication with customers, which is why on this occasion we will not only talk about generative AI, but we will also teach you how to use generative AI for email marketing and boost your campaign and business development.

Generative AI for Marketing

What is generative artificial intelligence?

Generative artificial intelligence is nothing more than an advanced deep learning algorithm capable of analyzing hundreds of patterns, data and information on a large scale to generate completely new texts, images or videos from them.

It is worth noting that in this generative AI all inputs of information, data, instructions, etc. are analyzed, since these are the ones that provide the main context for AI to generate new content, predictions, and many other activities.

How many areas of application does generative AI have?

Actually, this is a rather controversial question, since generative AI can be applied in many ways, you just have to be a little creative and encourage learning in AI, however, the most common areas or fields of use of generative AI are the following.

  • To generate authentic and personalized content.
  • To generate text and voice from instructions.
  • To generate very high quality images.
  • To create chatbots and much more.

Benefits of using generative AI for email

As we have already mentioned, email marketing is a very strong point in commerce and for this reason you cannot set it aside and instead rely on AI to provide timely, precise responses and excellent solutions. Among its benefits you can find the following.

  • Content Personalization.Generative AI will enable an analysis of user information to provide a personalized and timely response according to the user’s needs and requirements.
  • Saving time and resources.This is another benefit of generative AI in email marketing, as with this AI you can automate processes such as creating and sending emails, providing accurate and timely responses.
  • You can also benefit from being able to automatically create multiple versions of the same email for different users or a general audience, streamlining work and minimizing the waste of resources and time.

How to use generative AI for email marketing

Below, we will explain how you can use generative AI for email marketing and maximize the results of your email campaigns.

For creating subject lines like a pro

It is very important to know how to write the subject lines in an email, since this is the first visual element that the user will see when receiving the email, and depending on the attractiveness and information it provides, the chances of the email being opened and read will increase.

  • For this use case, you can use the Copyter platform, since it has an AI tool for creating creative, personalized subject lines with a high level of professionalism.

For email personalization

Obviously, by using generative AI you can customize responses in great detail according to the needs of the audience, since it analyzes certain parameters and preferences of your target audience.

This information is used to improve the user experience by receiving a very complete response or email with solutions to the requirement outlined in the email.

  • In email personalization, you can also use Copyter in its AI writing tools, which can generate a highly personalized email according to the user’s needs.
  • Or AI platforms like Simplified, Emailtree, among others.

For audience segmentation

This is another point where you can useGenerative AI for Email Marketing, Since as we have mentioned, this type of AI analyzes audience data where you can more easily identify the patterns or characteristics of each audience and perform segmentation.

  • To make use of generative AI information, you can go to Copyter, where you can create several versions of AI-powered emails to respond to each type of audience based on segmentation. In this case, the rewriting tool is an excellent option.

It should be noted that this is another How to Use Generative AI for Email Marketing.

To change the right tone

This is another aspect of how you can use generative AI for email marketing, as by analyzing it you can better identify the type of audience, in order to improve the tone and voice when writing each email.

  • It is worth noting that Copyter has a function to change the color of the content, which can be very useful in this case.

It is important to note that an inappropriate tone of voice can completely ruin an email marketing campaign, so it is very important to keep everything precise and appropriate according to the audience.

To make use of templates or AI templates

This is another way to use generative AI, as it allows you to create an email from scratch with all the professional-looking elements that generate trust, engagement, and conversion.

  • Copyter today has advanced AI tools capable of creating well-structured email content, subject lines, welcome emails and much more for each case when it comes to email marketing.

As you can read, these are some of the cases where you can see how generative AI can be used for email marketing and thus significantly boost the campaign carried out through that medium.

However, it is important to note that there are several ways to use generative AI, however, the aforementioned are the most common cases. In addition, they can be solved very easily with Copyter.

How Copyter can help boost your email marketing?

Copyter is a very diverse AI platform where you can find a large number of AI tools for different activities and work. However, in the particular case of email marketing, it can be widely used in the following cases.

  • For creating cold email.
  • To change the tone.
  • To make grammatical corrections.
  • As a text expander.
  • To generate subject lines and much more.

Email Marketing and Generative AI FAQ

Next, in this section we will clarify certain doubts that exist regarding the use of generative AI to boost email marketing.

How is generative AI linking to email marketing?

Many people wonder what this binding element is. The truth is that it is linked to using AI to collect user data to provide games with answers via email in a quick and precise way to the requirement at hand.

Is it legal to use AI for email marketing?

Yes, the truth is that nowadays there are many platforms that operate with AI, creating authentic and original content that complies with the parameters of legality regarding copyright. So it can be said that it is completely legal.