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GPT 4o mini Review: Learn what GTP 4o mini is, its features and more

OpenAI since it began launching artificial intelligence language models, has undoubtedly surprised many with all the advances it has been able to achieve, because on this occasion we will talk about GPT 4o mini, a very new version that is a little more accessible than the popular GPT 4o.

The truth is that thinking about all the users who cannot access GPT 4o, knowing now a mini version of it is a great opportunity to achieve potentialization in many aspects with the use of AI within your business. So, learn about the most relevant aspects of GPT 4o mini in our review.

Review GPT 4o mini

What is GPT 4o mini?

GPT 4o mini, As the name suggests, GPT 4o is a mini version of the powerful AI language model GPT 4o. GPT 4o mini, also known as GPT mini, aims to create a high-capacity model that mimics many complex processes while achieving high performance similar to GPT 4o, but that can be cost-effective for most users.

In short, the GPT 4o mini model is a smaller version of the GPT 4o which is pretty self-explanatory given its name.

How does GPT 4o mini work?

The operation of this model is really quite interesting, since many people think that it is a process that can take time given that it is a mini version, but the reality is that GPT 4o mini has quite a high potential and can generate results in a matter of seconds.

All of its responses or outputs are thanks to the fact that it uses parameters and data that are very well analyzed and organized to issue an ideal and precise response with natural language according to the conversation established with the user.

How to use GPT 4o mini?

This is a question that many users ask themselves or asked themselves at the time when they learned about the new version of GPT 4th mini from OpenAI. The truth is that access to GPT 4o mini is quite simple, you just have to register on OpenAI and from ChatGPT you can use this new model.

It is very interesting to note that this mini version of GPT 4o is available in the free ChatGPT plan, since instead of using the old GPT 3.5 model you will be using GPT 4o mini, as the purpose of the new GPT mini is to replace GPT 3.5.

Another way to access GPT 4th mini It’s like API, which although it is not free, currently costs 15 cents for a million input tokens and up to 60 cents for a million outputs.

How much do I have to pay to use GPT 4o mini?

If you are a user of any ChatGPT plan you will already have access to GPT 4o mini, you just have to change the language model from GPT 3.5 to 4o mini, it is quite simple and best of all it is completely free.

Now, if you plan to use it as an API, in this mode you will have to pay a total of 15 cents for each million input tokens and up to 60 cents for output tokens. Below we present a graph where you can see the difference compared to other AI models.

GPT 4th mini Price Chart

As you can see, the numbers in the graph for GPT 4o mini are quite low, (0.3), which represents the USD per million tokens, obviously the lower the better.

Main features of GPT 4o mini

GPT 4th mini It is a model that, as its name suggests, is a small version, however, the potential of this new OpenAI model should not be underestimated, since despite everything, its capabilities are quite interesting to know. Below, we show you some of its main features.

High potential performance

If there is one characteristic aspect of GPT 4o mini, it is its performance, since despite being a mini version, its responses are very accurate and have excellent intonation for natural language and reasoning.

GPT 4o mini is a version that so far outperforms many competitors in their mini versions, which undoubtedly makes this new model one of the most powerful among its versions, generating high-quality responses and solving logic and math problems quite easily. Below, we show you a comparative graph with other models in terms of response speed.

GPT 4th mini speed graph

As you can see, GPT 40 mini has an excellent score of 140, which represents output tokens per second, the higher the better.

Safety and quality of responses

Throughout the development and training of GPT 4o mini, one of the aspects that OpenAI has made very clear is the security and quality of response generated by this new model, trying to filter in a very thorough way all unwanted and low-quality content with the purpose of always trying to provide the best possible results.

It is noteworthy that many experts analyzed the possible results of GPT mini, as well as its behavior according to user requests, to ensure that it issued high-quality, reliable and also truthful answers.

Graphic Quality GPT 4th mini

In this feature, GPT 4o mini has 71 points, which represents an excellent quality index compared to the models indicated in the graph. It should be noted that the higher the better.


This is another characteristic aspect of GPT 4o mini, since it is available in all ChatGPT plans, including the free one, its availability is wider than any other model such as GPT 4o which is only available for paid plans.

Differences between GPT 4o mini and GPT 4o

The difference between these models is not very clear, since we are talking about a full model and its mini version, however, we can highlight that their difference, so to speak, can be established in the capacity they have to process information, since GPT 4o mini compared to GPT 4o can process much less information.

On the other hand, GPT 4o mini is much lighter, ideal for less resourceful hardware or for mobile versions, and is quite functional as a basic virtual assistant, among other aspects. In a nutshell, we can say that GPT 4o mini differs in the following aspects.

  • Requires less resource intensive hardware than GPT 4o.
  • Their knowledge is a little more limited.
  • Processing capacity less than GPT 4o.
  • It is ideal as a mobile version.

GPT 4th mini FAQ

Now, let’s learn some of the most interesting and accurate answers to questions that many new users have regarding the new OpenAI model titled as GPT 4o mini.

Can GPT-4o Mini process images, video and audio?

The new model is currently being adapted to achieve image compression. As for audio and video processing, it is expected that this will be included in the model in the future.

How good is the GPT 4o mini?

According to the Massive Multitask Language Understanding benchmark score, GPT 4o mini outperforms many AI language models.

Is GPT 4o mini free?

Yes, you can currently access it from any ChatGPT plan, including the free one.

How can I access GPT-4o Mini?

Very easy, you just have to register for the free ChatGPT plan and from its settings change the language model from GPT 3.5 to GPT 4o mini.