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Hashtag generator for TikTok: Make your content viral

TikTok is one of the most popular social networks of the year, so much so that every day that passes there are thousands and thousands of contents that are uploaded to it, as well as the people who register, despite positioning or becoming popular on this network, social is not easy at all.

On this occasion we will talk to you about hashtag generator for TikTok, a Copyter tool that will help you in one way or another not only make your content more viewed, but also help you obtain the most appropriate hashtags for your type of content.

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hashtag generator for TikTok

What is a hashtag on TikTok?

The hashtag is nothing more than a keyword or label that identifies or categorizes the content that has been tagged. Obviously, this word greatly influences the way in which users can find the content.

The structure of hashtags is as follows, a numeral (#) followed by the keyword, which is the word that identifies the content so that it is found more easily by users.

It should be noted that it is always recommended to use words that really match the content of TikTok, in addition to not using too many.

It is important to emphasize that it is not always easy to know which are the most appropriate keywords to use, which is why there are AI tools such as hashtag generator for TikTok, which gives you excellent viable alternatives.

How to make an appropriate and viral hashtag?

If you really want your content to achieve a good reach, you must use the hashtag with which users when searching for content can find what you published, for that you must always keep the following points in mind.

  • Use short and precise hashtags. You don’t necessarily have to write a long text, just use short words that identify the topic.
  • Use simple and easy to remember hashtags. Obviously, for users to get your content easily you should use short words in the tags, as well as simple words that are easy to remember.
  • Make unique hashtags. Having an exclusive hashtag for your brand will obviously make it better identified and not tend to be confused with other information or brand.
  • Always use your hashtag. If you want your hashtag to be viral, you must work on it and use it whenever you can, thus helping it spread throughout the social network.

By following the aforementioned points, you can help your content spread more easily among users of the social network. Of course, it can help you with the tag generator for TikTok, which is a very valid option.

Remember that you should always keep in mind that a little creativity is necessary to promote your content in a better way and if you follow or comply with the aforementioned points you will already have a way forward.

What is the best hashtag generator for TikTok?

As we have already mentioned, there are tools like viral hashtag generator for TikTok that can be very useful when you want to make your content on TikTok more viewed, below, we list some very popular alternatives that can help you create optimized and viral hashtags.


This is one of the first options that you can find on the internet, Copyter currently has a wide variety of AI tools such as viral hashtag generator for TikTok that by just providing a little information it can generate a certain number of hashtags related to the type of content you want.

2. Megaphone

This artificial intelligence tool is not only a hashtag generator for TikTok, but it gives you many more functions related to tags so that you can use the appropriate and most optimized hashtag for the content you want to publish on TikTok.

3. All Hashtag

Since its inception, All Hashtag is a tool highly considered by many users, since it provides high-quality hashtags in a quick and orderly manner and ensures that its creations and searches are among the best, providing a high margin of success when seeking to capture new visualizations.

4. AI Hashtags

Hashtags AI is also an excellent hashtag generator for TikTok that is available for Android and can provide a lot of information related to the hashtag to use, ensuring that your tags are used correctly and that everything is closely related to the main topic of the video. TikTok.

5. Rapidtages

Rapidtages is a fairly viable alternative tag generator for TikTok that any user can use without many complications, since its interface is quite simple, which will allow you to obtain viral hashtags for any type of content for TikTok in a matter of seconds.

Advantages of using Copyter’s TikTok hashtag generator

Certainly, many think that using a generator or AI for this type of function is a mistake, however, we list some advantages that you can obtain from using Copyter’s viral hashtag generator for TikTok.

  • Time. Obviously, with the hashtag generator you will not have to invest a lot of time in searching for the appropriate tag for each type of content, since the generator itself will do it, in addition to not having to analyze in depth the combinations of hashtags that you can use to increase your visualizations.
  • Personalization. It should be noted that Copyter not only gives you the most appropriate hashtags according to the content, but also offers the possibility of editing and improving according to your opinion.
  • Originality. Another point that Copyter’s viral hashtag generator for TikTok looks for is its originality, creating very original hashtags that adapt to the theme of the content and also enter the trends.

Tutorial: How to use Copyter’s TikTok tag generator

Use the tag generator for TikTok Copyter is relatively simple, since its interface is very intuitive and friendly, which makes it a very useful and easy-to-use AI tool. In the same way, below, we will teach you step by step how to generate your own hashtags for TikTok in a few minutes.

Step 1: Sign up for Copyter

To access Copyter’s tag generator for TikTok, the first thing you must do is register on the platform, to do so you must press the “Register” option as shown in the following image.

Subsequently, fill out the registration form, and then access Copyter and all its AI tools with your username.

Register Copyter

Step 2: Choose Copyter’s TikTok hashtag generator

In this step you must locate the hashtag generator for TikTok, entering the “Tamplates” menu as shown in the image.

Copyter menu

Now within the templates window you must look for the hashtag generator for TikTok and select it as shown below.

Select the generator

Step 3: Fill out the viral hashtag generator form for TikTok

As indicated in this third step, you must fill out the tool form where the parameters that it must contain will be given to generate the hashtags you want under the conditions required.

It should be noted that much of the AI ​​will do so based on the information provided in the hashtag generator form for TikTok.

Generator form

Step 4: Check the generated hashtags

In this step you just have to verify that the information generated by the hashtag generator is what you are looking for, in addition to selecting from all the results which one you will use.

Edit generated hashtags

Step 5: Save the results

Finally, if everything is as you want, you just have to go to the save menu as shown in the following image and save the information in the available formats.

Save results

Frequently Asked Questions: Hashtags on TikTok

If you have any questions about hashtags on TikTok, below we will show you some answers to those questions that many users commonly ask.

What hashtag to put on TikTok to make it go viral?

It is recommended to use clear, precise hashtags and that with just the word the user reads it, all the content is identified. Of course, you can also use tools that analyze trends, which can help you place tags with greater possibilities of being made. viral or trends.

How to know which hashtag to use on TikTok?

There are tools to analyze hashtags which will provide you with information about the tag that will help you know whether to use it or not, also with the use of hashtag generators which always analyze said generated tags to always provide the best options according to the type of content. .

How many hashtags is it advisable to put on TikTok?

Many of you think that the more hashtags there is the greater the possibility of being a trend, but the reality is different, the ideal is to use between 3 to 5 hashtags at most, but that these really are very related to the topic.

Can you add Hashtag on TikTok after publishing?

Yes, you just have to go to the advertising and click on the edit option, of course you must keep in mind that you will only be able to edit the content once before 7 days have passed.

Is it necessary to place hashtags on TikTok videos?

Although it is not mandatory, it is more than necessary to use hashtags in TikTok posts and videos, since these tags are what will help your content be found by other users.

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