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Learn How to write a summary in a few steps

A very interesting aspect to know how to do in any type of work environment is how to make a summary, since this provides a lot of precise information before any investigative work or of any kind to the reader, and thus know in a general and quick way the entire writing.

Given the importance of knowing How to write a summary, today on this occasion we will teach you how to write a summary in a simple but high-quality way, we will also talk about some aspects that you should consider when writing it and the use of AI to make summaries.

How to make a summary

What is a summary?

A summary is nothing more than a paragraph in which the entire content of a certain work must be emphasized in a shorter, but at the same time precise and organized way. The main purpose of a summary is to provide a clear and precise idea of ​​the topic that will be developed throughout the work, thesis or any other type of work.

Ideally, a summary should contain the key points of the content in 100 to 200 words, as this will also serve as a guide to the reader on the topic and the points discussed throughout the work.

Relevant features of a good summary

As we have already mentioned, a summary is not just about shortening certain paragraphs; the reality is that it provides a clear and precise idea to the reader, as well as serving as a guide so that the reader knows what information they will find throughout the content.

Of course, not every summary is ideal or correct, which is why we list below some characteristics of a good summary.

  • Provides a focus and overview of the content.
  • They are brief and precise.
  • It always remains in a descriptive objectivity.
  • Easy to understand.
  • It clearly unifies information from different authors.

Types of summary

An important point to know about summaries is the types that exist and what each of them consists of, since depending on the type of summary, the focus given in the writing will be.

Below, we will tell you a little about the most relevant types of summaries.

Information summary.This is one of the most common types of summaries, it is focused on synthesizing and giving the reader an overview of all the content from the relevant points.

Descriptive summary.This type of summary is very similar to the informative one, however, as its name indicates, it is descriptive and detailed in terms of the sources of the information and the opinion of the author.

Research summary.This type of summary focuses on unifying various sources of information, and then preparing it with the main and relevant ideas of all the information collected.

How to write a summary in simple steps?

Now, since we have learned a little about what the summary is, its characteristics and the types of summaries, on this occasion we are going to focus on the step by step of How to make a summary high quality.

It is worth noting that on this occasion we will focus on five steps that you must follow in order to obtain a high-quality summary that also provides good information to the reader.

Step 1. Research

Obviously, before starting a summary we must have prepared all the research on the topic we want to detail, for this it is necessary to do as many searches as possible, whether in biographies, blogs, magazines, websites, among other sites that show us high quality information according to the topic to be discussed.

It is worth noting that in this step, artificial intelligence can be used to speed up the research process and not waste so much time reading certain blogs or articles that provide inappropriate information.

Step 2. Determine the statement

A key point of a summary is the statement of the topic to be discussed, which is why you should use a word or phrase that is concise and also very clear in accordance with the research questions. This will allow the reader to understand from the beginning what will be discussed throughout the development of the entire topic.

Step 3. Present the arguments

Once the research is completed and the statements to be used have been determined, the arguments that will give validity to everything you are going to present during the summary must be presented. It also has the objective of allowing the reader to more precisely identify the question to which the answer will be given within the main theme of the work.

It is worth noting that this presentation of your arguments is a very important step, since with this the reader is able to more accurately understand the information found during the development of the entire work that will be presented.

Step 4. Add final details

In this step, as its name indicates, we must add certain details that will give greater support and reliability to the summary article. What happened is required, the sources of the information are explained in a little more detail, as well as any article that supports or argues what is proposed in the work to be summarized.

By following these steps you will obviously have a high-quality summary, since you are not only incorporating statements that answer a question or mystery, but you are also presenting arguments that give validity to the summary and adding final details such as the sources of information to have a more complete summary.

How to make a summary with Copyter?

Obviously, many people ask themselves these questions, since not everyone has the confidence to use artificial intelligence to write a summary. On this occasion, we are going to present the way or form of how to write a summary with the Copyter platform and its AI summary tools.

Step 1. Enter the platform

The first thing you need to do to use the content summary tool is to enter the platform. To do this, you must register on its official website with an email address or Google account.

Step 2. Tool Selection

What happened now is that you are talking about the platform and you will have to select the text summary tool found in the wide range of tools that Copyter offers.

Step 3. Enter text to summarize

And what happened is that you will have to enter the original text that you want to summarize so that Copyter’s artificial intelligence can summarize it. It is worth noting that within the tool’s options you can set or change the tone of voice, among other aspects.

Step 4. General review

What happened now is that you must verify the information that the artificial intelligence summarized, add or eliminate certain aspects that are convenient for the information it needs and finally obtain an already summarized text.

Frequently Asked Questions about Abstracts

Despite being a widely discussed topic, today we may encounter certain doubts about how to make a summary and the aspects that should be considered. That is why below, we will give you some of the answers to frequently asked questions on the subject.

What questions should a summary contain?

The questions that the summary should normally address and answer are the following: What will the work be about? What is the main topic? What are the secondary topics to be developed?, among others.

It is worth noting that, as has been mentioned on several occasions, a summary should provide an answer and at the same time be a guide to what the reader will find in the work.

How long or short should a summary be?

The word length of a summary should not exceed 25% of the overall content; as its name indicates, this type of text should be summarized and very specific.

Is it legal to use AI to summarize texts?

Yes, AI is widely used today to generate texts, images and many more, which also includes summarizing texts, and all of these tools are legal, although the quality of the content depends on the platform used.