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How to write essay outline in simple steps?

Knowing the how to write essay outline It is a fundamental aspect for the realization of a well-organized essay that promotes clear and precise information on the topic to be written. It should be noted that an outline is like a compass or guide so that the essay is written within the stipulated parameters.

That is why on this occasion we will talk to you about the outline for writing an essay, how to write an essay outline in simple steps, how to write an essay, as well as AI for outline writing that you should know about.

Essay outline

What is an essay outline?

Obviously, before learning to how to write an essay outline of any kind, it is a priority to know its concept as such, since an essay outline is nothing more than a written summary, orders of ideas, among others, that is used as a guide or compass for carrying out another activity, in this case the writing of an essay.

This outline serves to give you a clear idea and guide on how to write the essay, regardless of the type of essay. It will help you to have a clear, well-structured essay, in addition to improving productivity in terms of the writing process.

Aspects to know and initiate before making the scheme

Clearly, before starting the process of developing the essay outline, there are certain aspects that you should already know and consider. Below, we will talk about those aspects to know and how to move forward to have a high-quality outline.

Research the topic to be discussed

Before writing any outline, whether for an essay or any other type of writing, you must always be very clear about the topic to be discussed, because based on the research, the points to be discussed will be qualified, as well as deepening and getting to know the topic that will later be expanded upon in the development of the essay.

It is very important to note that for this research it is recommended to use reliable sources, since the reliability and quality of the essay content will be determined from this point. In general, it is recommended to investigate, search, read and deepen knowledge about the topic to be discussed.

List the resources or sources collected

This is another point to consider before starting to write the essay outline, since this requires writing down all the resources and information collected in the research and then summarizing each one of them and grading the information according to its value in relation to the topic to be developed in the essay.

Having summaries and resources listed will allow you to prioritize information according to the contribution or value that the information has according to the topic selected to develop in the essay.

Determine the type of test to be performed

Another point to consider and keep in mind before making an essay outline is the type of essay you are going to do, for that you must know the types of essays, which are the following:

  • Narrative essay.
  • Descriptive essay.
  • Persuasive essay.
  • Comparison essay.
  • Argumentative essay, among others.

Of course, each of them has its purpose and objective, so it is recommended to know them and choose the most appropriate one according to the how and type of information to be written in the essay.

How to write an essay outline in 3 steps?

Know how to write essay outline It is essential to write a well-structured and high-quality essay, which is why on this occasion we will teach you how to do it in 3 steps. However, before starting it is important to consider the arguments mentioned above such as:

  • Research into the topic to be discussed.
  • The rating of the resources and information collected.
  • Determining the type of test.

Considering the points described above, you can start writing diagrams as shown in the following steps.

Step 1. Writing an introduction

This is the first section that should be included in the outline, as it is the section that will start the topic to be discussed, so clear writing with sentences that generate interest in the reader is recommended. Normally, this section is the one that should encourage the reader to read the entire essay.

An example outline for an essay introduction can be based on 3 aspects, the first being the hook sentences, the information provided and the listing of similar theses to argue the information, so the outline would be as follows:

  • Hook phrases.
  • Information provided.
  • Listing of theses to argue the information.

It should be noted that other elements may be derived from the aspects mentioned as part of the outline of the test to be carried out.

Step 2. Writing the body or paragraphs of the essay

The body of the essay, as its name indicates, is the majority of its content. This section is where all the information to be presented in the essay is broken down in detail. When writing it, it is recommended to be very precise and clear.

Well, in a few words, it is in this section where the reader will be nourished by all the information given and can also carry out an analysis of it in order to draw their criticisms, observations and point of view.

To draft the outline for this section, each point to be discussed in the paragraph must be considered and key elements such as supporting data, focus, among others, must be taken into account. Below, we present an example of an outline for this section that could be the following:

  • Body or paragraph 1
    • Supporting data.
    • Counterarguments
    • Main point transition 1.
  • Body or paragraph 2
    • Supporting data.
    • Counterarguments
    • Main point transition 2.

Step 3. Writing a conclusion

In this section, as its name indicates, all the information given in the development of the essay must be concluded. It is very important to point out the key points of the entire content, allowing the reader to renew their attention throughout the entire essay.

As an example of an outline for this section it could be the following:

  • Summary or summaries.
  • Importance of the topic discussed-
  • Thesis restatements.
  • Closing statements.

Following the example of the outline, you can write a complete conclusion, where the reader can reaffirm what was understood throughout the essay, as well as have clearer information.

How to use AI for essay outline writing?

Obviously, AI has made very interesting advances in the world of content writing, as essays are no exception, since today you can find multiple AI tools that allow you to create not only an outline for writing a specific topic, but you can also write the content directly.

However, not everyone knows how to use AI for this type of case or how write essay with AI, and that is why we will teach you how to do it below.

1. Selecting an AI platform to generate a test scheme

The first step to complete is to select an AI tool to generate test schemes. It is worth noting that there are many such as:

  • Copyter
  • Hix.AI.

2. Enter the requested parameters

In this step, you only need to provide the AI ​​with the type of essay to be performed, as well as the title or keywords, and the generator will do the rest.

It should be noted that once the AI-generated scheme is available, all that remains is to review it and write the essay.

Frequently asked questions about essay schemes and AI

In this section we will answer certain questions, which are really worth having a clear and precise answer about the test schemes and the involvement of AI to carry them out.

Are there any free AI tools for writing essay outlines?

Yes, there are currently hundreds of free AI platforms on the Internet that offer essay and essay outline generators. Among them we can mention Copyter, Hix.AI,, among others.

How many languages ​​can AI recognize for writing essays?

AI is so advanced that most AI essay generator platforms today can produce the same essay in over 40 languages.

How many types of tests can AI do?

AI is really at the point of being able to produce any type of essay with high quality, whether descriptive, argumentative, reflective, among others.