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Text Extender: Make your content longer and more coherent with AI

Has it happened to you that you have been writing for a long time and it reaches a point where you cannot continue any further and even then you do not meet the length of words that you must meet to deliver some work, well, if that is the case, a text extender is a tool that can be very useful in those cases where you no longer have ideas of what or how to write.

On this occasion we will not only talk to you about what a text extender, but we will also talk to you about its advantages and some aspects that you should take into account when using this type of artificial intelligence tool.

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Text Extender

Advantages of using text extender

Obviously, using AI is a great advantage in many aspects, since it makes some jobs that are usually easy to do much easier for you, but which require a lot of time or dedication. Below, we list some advantages that you can have when using online text extender.

Save writing time.With the AI ​​text expander in a matter of a few minutes you can generate up to more than 300 high-quality words.

Avoid redundant data.One thing that commonly happens when you want to extend texts is that the same information is repeated a lot, however, with the text extender and artificial intelligence these types of grammatical errors can be minimized.

Comply with the necessary word extension.With the online text extender you can meet the number of words that the text to be delivered must have without losing quality or coherence in the information.

Writing improvement in general.The AI ​​text expander in a certain way can make the writer have an idea of ​​the writing to be done and even the structure it may have.

Certainly, there are many more advantages to be gained from AI and text extenders available today.

Things to keep in mind before using text extenders

Using a text extender is not just putting a text and letting the AI ​​do the rest, the truth is that you must always keep other aspects in mind so that the generated text is really of quality and meets what the reader user is really looking for. Next, we talk about some aspects that you should take into account when using a text extender.

Purpose of the text

Before using a text extender you must establish some parameters, which will denote the purpose of the writing. Failure to consider this aspect can generate a completely incorrect text depending on the message you want to make known.

Plagiarism Check

This is another aspect that you should always consider, since, although text extenders are really very good, there is a certain margin of error regarding plagiarized content, for this reason you should analyze the text in search of plagiarized content and find a solution to it. such a mistake.

Content quality

The quality of the content is also a point that you must keep in mind, since even though the generated content meets the desired number of words, on some occasions there may be a decline in the quality of the information, for this reason it must be Always review the content to minimize these errors.

Text editing

Another aspect that you should not leave aside is the review and editing of content, since the ideal is once the writing is finished, review it and edit everything necessary to guarantee high quality content and also that the reader can read with confidence. fluency.

The best alternative in AI text extender

Currently, on the Internet you can find endless tools with artificial intelligence that leave very gratifying results.

On this occasion we will dedicate ourselves to showing you some text extender alternatives that are worth knowing because of the results they generate.


This is a platform that is characterized by having many artificial intelligence tools with high quality results. Copyter’s text extender stands out for just adding a few keywords and a small description of what you want and its AI will expand content without a problem, not to mention its minimal margin of error.

2. Egansoft

This is a website where you can generate additional text to your content very quickly and easily. Egansoft stands out not only for expanding the content by adding new words, but it also analyzes the current content so that the new text generated does not interrupt the message .

3. Simplified

This is a tool with a high-quality text extender that you can find on the internet. Simplified stands out for having a fairly extensive free version, which can generate text consistent with your content without grammatical or spelling errors.


TextFlip is an excellent artificial intelligence tool, which stands out not only for being able to extend the number of words in content, but also for restructuring it to increase its quality.

A basic package of $9.99 per month, a fairly low price compared to other tools, plus it also has a trial version.

5. Hix.AI

This is another quite complete platform that you can find on the internet that can not only lengthen the texts of your content, but also has quite advanced artificial intelligence that allows you to improve the content in a general way.

The Hix.AI text extender is highly sought after for being one of the cheapest, with a price of $6.99 per month in its professional version, coupled with its free plan, it also stands out for the number of languages ​​you can use at the same time. Time to extend content.

Why use an AI text extender?

Why use a text extender It will depend on many aspects and situations, for example, certain writers use the text extender because they suffer from blockage or do not have any more idea to continue developing the content and must use this tool to meet the number of words needed.

Another reason or why to use this tool is to structure a writing more quickly, since text extenders can improve these aspects in a matter of minutes. In addition, this tool can create completely coherent content with a good structure that encourages readers to continue reading.

Tips for enlarging texts efficiently with AI

If you want to use this tool and ensure that the content generated is of high quality, below are some tips that you should always keep in mind.

Make a base entry carefully

Text extenders need a base content to which they must adhere to generate new texts, obviously this base text must be created in a meticulous and very careful way so that the artificial intelligence of the text expander understands the message that you want to make known. and can develop coherent, high-quality additional text.

Choose an appropriate audience

As well as creating understandable and high-quality base content, you must also consider the audience to whom the content will be directed. These are some of the parameters that text extenders normally request to know what type of word to use.

Choose an appropriate tone according to the audience

Likewise, within the parameters of the text extender, choose an appropriate tone according to the audience so that the artificial intelligence adds the content to your original text without losing the orientation of where the information is directed.

An appropriate tone will ensure that the message is understandable according to the type of audience.

Edit and review final result

Reviewing the final result is a very important point, since it will help you minimize any errors you may find and edit the content as many times as possible to have a high-quality final result.

Step by Step Tutorial: Copyter Text Extender

Copyter has always made its tools very easy to use and that every user can use and understand it without problem.

Likewise, below, we present a step-by-step tutorial so you know how to use its text extender with AI Copyter.

Step 1. Sign up for Copyter

Since all the first thing you must do is comply with the registration of the platform, for this you can do it from the register option that is shown on the main screen and fill out the registration form.

Note here that you can do this registration with an email or simply using your Google account.

Register Copyter

Step 2: Choose Copyter Text Extender

Once the registration has been combined, you must go to the templates option on the main screen of the platform as shown in the following image.

Copyter menu

After clicking on action templates, you must search within the tools offered by Copyter for the text extender as can be shown in the following image.

Select the generator


Step 3: Fill out the text extender form

In this step, once inside the tool, you must indicate the parameters that you want the text extender to consider to generate the additional text that you want to add to the original text.

Generator form

Step 4: Review content generated by the online text extender

Once the content is generated, you must review and make the different modifications so that the content meets all the requirements that you are really looking for in writing the text.

Edit generator content

Step 5: Save the results

In this last step, already reviewed and everything being fine, you must save the content, either by copying it or using the saving option offered by Copyter in PDF or TXT formats as shown in the following image.

Save generated content

FAQ: Online Text Extender

Next, in this section we will answer some of the most common questions regarding online text extenders.

Is it legal to use text extender?

Yes, using a text extender is completely legal, however, it is always recommended to verify the generated content to ensure that the content is not plagiarized.

Can text extender affect content quality?

Yes, the text extender can sometimes generate errors by not understanding the original content, however, it does not happen very often.

How many words can an online text extender generate?

Everything will depend on the platform being used, generally text extenders can extend to more than 300 or 500 words, however, it is a number that can vary depending on the text extender to be used.

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